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"Alright, alright. Show it to me Alex so that you can delete it and Catherine here could be at peace." Kara stated after the very long circling of the two around the house. "Airdrop, lil sis!" Alex said still running from the angry Cat. "Don't you dare, Alexandra!" Too late for Cat, Kara's phone dings and receive the picture. The receiver just stared on it with sparkles in her eyes. "This is so embarrassing!" Cat said and just decided to slump on the couch beside her son and hid her face at his shoulders.

"What is so embarrassing about this? It's a very beautiful picture, Catherine." Kara stated making Cat hid her face more because of the blush plastered on her face. "Lemme see it Kara." Carter said and Kara handed him the phone. "Wow mom, never saw you this flustered before. It looks good on you." Her son commented which made her face them and gave him a smile. "Told you so, KittyCat. Nothing to be embarrass." Alex said in victory. "You're still paying for that one, Alexandra." She humped and then slump back at the couch.

"Making this my wallpaper." The younger Danvers murmured under her breath thinking that no one heard that. "You got it bad, baby sis!" Alex suddenly said that made Kara throw a pillow at her. "What does Kara got bad with?" Carter asked innocently. "Nothing Cart, I'm just teasing her with something from before whenever I say those line." He nodded as if really understanding what Alex has said.

"Carter, honey. Let's go home? I'm still cooking dinner. The two of you are welcome to join us later if you want. I'll have Carter call the both of you." Cat said standing up from where she was seating. "Thank you Catherine, but we can't. Alex and I planned to have a dinner out. But I will have Alex pick you up later for the gallery." Kara said and Cat just nodded. "Alright then, we'll see you later." She answered and ushered Carter out the door. "See you later, Danvers!" Carter said and waved to the two. And the Grants are out.

"Go for it Kara! She likes you too if I may say." Alex cheered for her sister. "It's not that easy, Alex. I know that you and Maggie are together for you to say things like this but Catherine and I, we are different. You do know that she's freaking Cat Grant right?" Kara stated to as her sister nodded. "I know, she owns Catco Worldwide Media and for goodness sake, she's called Queen of all Media and you have a fucking crush on her ever since. You even got this house to see her everyday. Kara, go for it!" Alex said and Kara's thoughts where no where to be found. "Fine, I'll confess to her later, at the gallery. I can't even hide those portraits of her that I actually decided to put them all up." Kara said in defeat. "Yep, rooting for you lil sis!"


The four of them stood outfront of a curtain walled building. Kara unlocked the door and let them get in first. Every painting were arranged, landscapes, abstracts, pop arts, classical. Carter and Alex roamed inside the landscapes, But Cat took interest in the room labeled 'Portraits of the Queen'. She stood awestruck by the entrance of the room, many portraits welcomed her and it was her face on all of it. "You like it?" Kara spoke startling Cat. "It's all me. You knew who I am?" She looked at Kara in question. "Catherine, you're the Queen of all Media, no one in this world does not know who you are." Kara stated and looked at Cat deeply. "But these portraits, you painted me Kara but why?" The young woman beamed at her. "I may have a little bit of a crush on you?" Kara blushed at the confession.

"Mom! Kara! Woah!" Carter stopped dead on his track after seeing the portraits. "It's mom!" He hitched. "Y-you painted mom? This is amazing Kara!" The young blonde smiled at him. "Yes buddy, your mom has a pretty good face y'know." She answered ruffling his hair. "Yeah! Mom is, and the gallery is perfect Kara! Thank you for showing this to me, to us." Carter said happily as if almost gushing. "Of course bud, for you and for Catherine. Also, I really wanted to give you this." She pulled a covered canvas on the wall and gave it to him. "What's on it?" "Open it, so you'll see." He did not hesitate and opened it. "Amazing! Mom look!" He showed it to Cat and was amaze of how detailed the painting was. It's Carter and Cat sitting on the Catco couch and talking animatedly. "H-how?" "You mean how do I got to draw this picture? A friend, he's one of your photojournalist and took this shot." Cat raised a brow and thinking who among her minions did the shot. "It's James, Jimmy Olsen." Alex suddenly appeared, drinks in her hand. "You are friends with Superman's bestfriend? That's cool Kara!" She nodded. "And I may say, we do know the man of steel personally. He actually posed for a few paintings, wanna see them?" Alex whispered to him which made his eyes glow. "Go and take him Alex, I know he's curious now. I have to deal with the mom." Kara whispered to her sister who took off with Carter immediately.

"Ask away Catherine, nothing to hide anymore." Kara said looking at the woman, she was skimming one of the paintings. "Why me, Kara?"
"What do you mean, Catherine? You're beautiful and amazing and I can see the person behind your facade." Kara answered moving forward to Cat. "I mean, why choose me? You could have filled this room with Alex's or your adopted parents or even your real parent's portraits." She held one of Cat's hand and placed it on her chest. "Because you owned this, even before you knew me." She admitted. "And also, I have portraits of them in my gallery at Midvale. In here, I wanted to show everyone how I adore Cat Grant, their queen."

And I may say! I'm in the verge of being cheesy.
Thank you guys for reading, really. 😘

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