2. Amy's Wish Comes True

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'OOOOOH!' A high pitched squeal echoed around the shopping mall in Central City. 'How much does it cost?'

'Come on Amy,' pleaded her rabbit friend Cream, 'we've been here for 2 hours this morning and all of these dresses are too expensive for you to buy!'

'But isn't this just the PERFECT shade of pink?'

'Yeah, I guess, but...' Amy suddenly went into deep thought and was no longer listening to Cream. She just thought that this dress could be her best way of making Sonic like her.

'Excuse me girls,' the shopkeeper spoke up, 'This dress is 300 rings.'

'300 RINGS?!' Cream was shocked at how expensive a compulsive shopping habit could cost.

'So, are you gonna take it or what?'

'Quick, Cream!' Amy had a sudden idea. 'Lend me 50 rings!'


'I can pay you later! Just do it!'

Cream handed over her 50 rings while Amy forked out all 250 of hers, and they took the dress and left the shopping mall.

'Amy! Do you have any idea how expensive that dress was?!'

'Oh, don't worry about it Cream. To be honest, that was kinda cheap compared to what they sometimes cost!'

'But...Just how can you spend SO MANY RINGS on just a piece of fabric?'

'Oh Cream,' Amy said, 'You'll understand in a few years time'


Amy stepped out of the wardrobe in her bedroom, wearing her new pink dress. 'So, what do you think of it? Do you think it'll be enough to FINALLY get Sonic to date me?'

'Well, it looks really nice on you! I like the shade of pink as well!'

'OK, thanks for your opinion! I'm gonna go and find him now! Do you know where he is?'

'I don't know, I thought YOU were meant to be the one obsessed with him!'

'Well, he does his 300 mile sprint in the mornings. Maybe he's at his house now. OK, thanks Cream, see ya later!' Amy quickly dashed off and slammed the door behind her in a hurry.

'Why did she thank me? What did I even do to help her? I really hope Amy doesn't get hurt while she's out there...' Cream walked downstairs out of Amy's room and into the living room while she waited for Amy to come back.


Amy arrived at Sonic's house within minutes, and looked around it to see his bedroom window open. When she jumped up using her hammer to launch herself, she could see him lying asleep on his bed. He looks so cute when he's asleep, she thought to herself. The pink hedgehog pressed the doorbell, and the blue hedgehog jumped out of his bed in surprise.

Sonic felt different now than when he had fell asleep. He felt happy, but also warm inside. He hadn't felt like this before, and it was strange to him. Anyway, someone was at the door and he had to answer it. The blue animal ran downstairs very quickly and opened the door to see his long-time stalker standing there, wearing a pink dress as opposed to her normal red dress.

'So, Sonic, do you notice anything different about me?' she asked, trying to look as cute as possible, but he was lost in a haze. Was he, the blue blur, actually falling for someone he tried so hard to avoid for the past 15 years? He didn't stop himself, and leaned forwards towards Amy and started kissing her, taking the pink hedgehog by surprise. Her heartbeat started going crazy - she couldn't believe that her crush was actually kissing her!

'Oh Sonic, I've been waiting so long for this!' she said in joy between kisses.

'Amy, I love you so much,' he whispered into her ear after their session of exploring each others' mouths. Hearing that was such a dream come true that she fainted right there and then on the spot, but Sonic managed to catch her in his arms before she hit the pavement. 'Woah, Amy, are you OK?' he asked, confused as to why she just fell like that. She didn't respond. OH NO! What now?, he thought, extremely worried about the pink hedgehog. I better get her back to her house! Sonic then took off, running towards her house.

'Wait - MY SHOES!' He had to run all the way back to his house again to put on his red and white shoes, since obviously he took them off when he went to bed.

Sonic's Love Rampage (Mainly Sonamy)Where stories live. Discover now