6. The First Date

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'Wakey wakey, my pink princess!' Sonic said cheerfully to Amy. He was used to waking up early and assumed everyone else was like him too.

'W-what?' Amy asked, her mind still hazy from just waking up. She checked the clock, which showed the time 7:00am. 'I'm gonna kill you Sonic!' she shouted playfully. She wasn't a morning person, and usually only woke up in time for lunch.

'What, do you NOT wake up at this time normally?' he asked, confused. He had never dated anyone before, and only a few people had stayed at his house overnight for sleepovers, but him and his friends stayed up all night anyway, so they never got to sleep in the first place.

'No, why would you think that?' she asked, normally she would have got annoyed but since it was her long time crush, she made an effort to not go crazy.

'Well, I normally try to excercise at this time of day by running, and nobody ever told me it was weird to wake up early.'

'No, it's not weird!' she declared, feeling sad she made Sonic feel weird. 'Hey, since we're up this early, how about we go on a date?'

'Yeah! That would be awesome! I know just the place for morning dates down on the edge of the city by the river!' Sonic said excitedly, knowing he would now be having his first date. It was so amazing!

'OK, we have a plan then!' she said with a smile on her face. 'Just let me get my shoes on and we'll be off.'


'Where are you runnning off too so early in the morning in such a hurry, young lady?'

'It's really important! I need to get to Amy's house and warn her about something Eggman might be planning!'

'Why Amy? Wouldn't Sonic be a better person to inform? He could make a plan with, oh, what's his name? The boy you like?'

'Shut up mum! I don't like Tails!' Cream said, blushing slightly.

'Oh alright then, you have fun out there. Don't be back too late!'

'I won't!' Cream reassured her mother, and ran off in the direction of Amy's house quickly.


Amy and Sonic had left for the place Sonic said would be good for a first date 10 minutes ago. It wasn't really that cold outside, but Amy pretended to shiver so Sonic would wrap his arm around her and get closer to her.

'Hey look!' Sonic said excitedly, pointing towards a building a small distance ahead, 'it's right there!'

Standing in front of them was the Central City Cake Cafe where you choose what toppings you want on your cake and what decorations you have and stuff like that.

'How did you know I liked cake? This is awesome!' Amy squealed in delight.

'Well, you had about 5 slices of my birthday cake last year so I thought maybe this would be a good idea. Don't tell anyone else this, but I saw Blaze come in here with Silver the other day...'

'Ooh, they could be dating!'

'Yeah, probably! Let's go inside.' Sonic held the door open for Amy and a waiter came to sit them at a table.

I'm so happy he put so much thought into this! Even though Sonic never had a girlfriend before this, he's a natural for romance!Amy thought

'Excuse me miss, may I take your order?' The pink hedgehog's thoughts were cut short by the waiter.

'Oh, uhh...' She thought about it for a while, but soon knew what to get. Amy told the waiter her cake and he wrote it down next to Sonic's.

'It'll be about ten minutes. We can make them so fast because of our secret power source...' he explained mysteriously and disappeared into the employee's only area.

'I wonder what that is...' Sonic thought, but couldn't think anymore because he was looking at Amy's new dress she bought to impress him when she went to his house yesterday. She was so pretty, why had he never loved her before? His thoughts were interrupted by Amy.

'Don't you remember those super powerful Chaos Emeralds you always try to find?' Amy asked, confused why he didn't immediately guess what the power source was.

'Oh yeah! Those things!' Sonic said, annoyed at himself for getting too caught up in his thoughts about Amy to think straight. He was so used to a fast and quick lifestyle which involved as little time thinking and as much time doing as possible.

Amy noticed Sonic wasn't being as decisive as he normally was. 'Sonic, are you OK?'

'Yeah, why?'

'Well it's just that recently you've been kind of zoned out since we came into the restaurant'

'It's nothing, OK!' Sonic quickly declared, but his flushing red cheeks told another story.

'You're falling in love, aren't you?' Amy said happily. Sonic's silence that followed confirmed Amy's guess. Now it was her turn to blush. Nobody had ever fallen in love with her before, and now suddenly her long time crush was in love with her! It was a dream come true!

Sonic didn't speak for a few seconds. 'I haven't felt like this before,' he paused and looked up to make eye contact with Amy, 'but I think I like it!' A wide smile spread across his face and Amy had a happy grin to match his.

'Aww, isn't that sweet?' a young woman cooed at the couple from behind the counter.

'CAKE IS HERE!' boomed the waiter as he burst through the doors of the kitchen carrying both of the hedgehogs' cakes with him. Amy didn't know what Sonic's cake was so she was surprised at his choice. His cake was covered in blue icing which was the same colour as his fur, and there was a set of rings arranged like the Olympic Rings placed on top. Figures of him and Tails were stuck on top in front of the rings.

'Wow Sonic, your cake looks great!'

'Oh, you like it?'

'Yeah! It shows how much you and tails are as friends!'

'That's why I chose it, and yours doesn't look too bad either' Amy's cake was like Sonic's, with pink icing the same colour of her fur instead of the blue on Sonic's. There were about 15 mini Chao eggs piled up in the middle of the cake, and a figure of Cream was holding an egg. Amy's figure was holding her signature Piko Piko hammer, but was in the process of smashing up one of Eggman's robots with it.

Amy stared at both of their cakes and around the room before finally speaking. 'Sonic, I love this place. This is the best date ever!' she said cheerfully.

'I'm glad ya liked it, I haven't went on a date before so it was all new to me,' he said bashfully. As if they had read each others' minds, the hedgehog couple reached across with one hand and held each other's hand while they ate their cake, earning then another 'aww' from the woman at the counter.

A/N: I am so sorry for not updating this quickly! I'm glad you all were patient enough to wait for me anyway!

And don't ask why I chose a cake cafe! I don't know where people go to on their first dates and a cake shop was the first thing that came into my head!

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