Dio Brando x reader

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You haven't been getting much sleep as of what happened a few nights ago. The Joestar mansion was burned down, with little left of it. You've attended some of the dances that were held there. 


You were always asked by many of the men roughly the age of 30 to ask you to dance. 

Being only 20, you declined all of the offers. Well, all but one. That one offer was by none other than Dio Brando. He caught your eyes the second he asked you to dance. His orange eyes starred in to your (E/C) ones. His charm sweep you off your feet, as most of the other men were rude and sometimes almost forced you to dance. 

You had to stay that night due to a severe snowstorm. Many had left before the storm could hit, but you stayed a little longer because your parents where dead and you knew no one could scold you for returning home late. You were shaken up because this was the first time you had ever seen such a harsh snowstorm. 

Dio noticed this and tried his best to comfort you. Jonathan would cringe at how nice Dio was being towards you. Jonathan had enough when Dio tried to pull you in for a kiss. Grabbing Dio by the shirt, he dragged him into a room a little far so you couldn't hear their conversation.

Coming back, you had fallen asleep on the couch where Dio had you sit. Smiling, Dio told Jonathan that he would take you into the guest bedroom. Once he did so, he placed a kiss on you forehead and left the room. That's when the nightmare that changed the night began. 

Flames engulfed your house as you called out to your parents. Coughing a bit, you fell to the ground still screaming their names. The ceiling collapsed where their bedroom was. Their screams where the last things you heard before falling into darkness.

You awoke screaming as tears streamed down your face like rain falling out of the sky. Dio ran into the room almost cussing his head off until he saw what state you where in. His arms wrapping around you brought you back into reality. Reassuring you that everything was ok, he smiled at the sight before him. You falling asleep in his arms. 

As morning rolled around, a strange warmth beside you forced you to jolt awake. You looked over to see Dio sleeping in the same bed as you. Checking, you felt you still had your cloths on. Sighing, you got out of bed only to hear the voice that had once knocked you off your feet. 

"Good morning." His voice said in a yawning state. Shivers went up your spin as you knew you had to respond. 

"G-good morning." You stuttered trying to find words to best fit the situation. After you had left, you found Dio a few other times only to end up with an awkward situation between the two of you.

                           ~End of Flashback~

Erina, your best friend, told you everything about the state Jonathan was in. You followed her to Jonathan. Even though you've only meet once, you still felt sadness rush over all other feelings. You asked about Dio and His father, only to be meet with tears and anger. He told you everything. 

How could Dio do such a thing. He's always been so nice, and yet he killed George and injured Jonathan to the point of hospitalization.

 Worst of all, he was now a monster myth only told about, a Vampire. How could you fall for such a guy. His charming way towards you hid his true identity. Angered by this, you agreed to assist Jonathan with his mission to kill Dio. After meeting a man with the last name of Zeppeli. You learned the way of hamon.

Hamon, or sunlight energy, was something used to kill the vampires and zombies. Every time Dio's name was mentioned, your heart always skipped a beat and your body instantly went hot. Going into a tunnel, the Vampire Jack the Ripper appears, and wounds you to the point of near death. 

Awakening, you feel the stabbing pain in your stomach Jack the Ripper gave you. Holding your stomach tight, you notice the atmosphere is nothing like when you were with Jonathan. It was now evil and almost death filled. Low chuckles could be heard from the corner of the room. Looking in that direction, you were meet with red eyes staring at your body. 

Scared, you let out a scream of terror. Again, the low chuckles could be heard. 

"Well my dear (Y/N), it seems to me that you don't exactly remember me." The familiar voice spoke. The first word that came to your head was Dio.

"D-Dio" you mumbled scared. The dark figure now came out of the shadow to reveal himself. It was indeed Dio. Trying to get up, the wound on your stomach began to hurt like fire. Falling to the ground, you give off low screams as you desperately try to stop the pain. 

His eyes never seemed to leave your body. I'm fact, it looks like he was searching for something. You looked at his red eyes, your (E/C) ones starred in anger at his. Grinning at this action, Dio began to walk up to you and grabbed you by the wrist, pulled you up and mashed his lips firmly up against your soft ones. 

Taken by surprise, you push him away and gasped for air. You knew you had to wait until Jonathan arrived before you could get away from Dio. That was going g to be one heck of a wait.

Hey, I asked my friend (I'm just gonna say we are) if I should make this Dio Brando story from Phantom Blood or Stardust Crusaders and they said from PB, so here it is. My friend is Dioslut. Go check out their stories, there amazing, so I advise to check them out. Thanks again.

Jjba x readerWhere stories live. Discover now