Kars x Kitten | Whamuu x Kitten

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Kitten is AmethystTiger's OC and she requested this via private chat and therefore, I will write it. So here you go.


Low whimpers could be heard as Kars, Whamuu, and Eisidisi traveled to find the Red Stone of Aja. Kars, respecting animals, decided to check where the noise was coming from. The smell of a human was present, but also something else.

Looking around the log, Kars saw what was making the noise. A girl, roughly beaten up, laying there covered in bruises, scars, and blood. A pure indication that she was abused. A tail wrapped around her fragile looking body and ears positioned back in a way of defeat.

Her ears perked up as she noticed his company. Looking up at him, her ears fell back in the position they were just in. He reached out to her, only to be meet with a shriek of terror. He quickly moved his hand away as a sign he was not going to hurt her. 

Shacking, she sat up and backed up until she was against a tree not to far from where she was discovered. A purple heart shaped tag glistening in the new born moon. This caught Kars' s eye. Stepping over to her, he once again reached out, only to turn the tag to read the name.

Kitten was all it said. Looking at her, he stood up and offered to take her in. Promising he would never hurt such a beautiful specimen. The thought of this rang through her head and, well, why not. Standing up, her dream catcher stomach ring tickled her abdomen. Her nose ring, filled with jewels, sparkled in the moonlight as they walked into a temple they called home.

The temple was a long walk to where they had come from. Kitten walking a descent distance, so if they tried anything, she would be quick to run away. Whamuu was always checking back on her to see if she was still behind them. Relieved every time he saw her tiger like appearance.

She was something else. Unlike normal tigers, the fur on her ears and tail was black with white stripes. How did she become part tiger part human? Birth or experiments? Whatever the cause was, it had created a beautiful creature that people decided to abuse and treat like a slave. 

Once they were inside, Kitten could only think of food. She was taught not to ask or beg, because that meant a beating. So she just sat there and explored the temple. Her name being called is what snapped her out of her little adventure.

Glancing over, she saw a plate of salmon and tuna, cooked to the liking point for anyone, or anything. Hesitant, she slowly advanced to the food tray. Kars said it was all hers and that if the needed anything, just call for him. 

'No, I can't.' She thought to herself. 'They will just beat me like the others did.' Leaving it at that, she ate the food and left the plate there for them to get. Hours passed as she exploded the temple once again. 

Books. Grabbing a book titled 'Storm Siren', Kitten read it and very much enjoyed the plotline and the way the story progressed. Closing the book, Kitten slowly began to fade into the dreamworld. 


"KITTEN! THAT'S IT, YOUR GETTING WHAT YOU DESERVE!!" Her owner yelled grabbing the whip. Whipping her for her tail knocking over a glass and breaking. How was she supposed know, she was only 13 and learned that she could play with things with her tail. 

Having fun at first, she accidentally knocks over a glass of water and it shatters into a million pieces. Crying at the pain, she had to go through this for 2 agonizing minutes. Blood dripping on the floor, Kitten broke down and ran away only to be caught by another man who did the same as her previous owner.

This time whipping her for no reason at all, but for fun. By the time she  was 18, she ran away once again and this time she wasn't caught. It ended when it got to this point in her life, staying with 3 men in a temple yet to be hurt.

~End Dream~

Shivers went down her spin as she felt a hand stroke in between her ears. Wincing at this new feeling, she let out a low scream. The man, Whamuu, stopped and pulled his hand away from her. 

"Shh Shah, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. You just seemed to have had a rough life, so I wanted to bring a little happiness into it." Whamuu panicked trying to calm you down. "Your safe with us, we will never hurt you like they did." His tone of voice panicked, but reassuring.

Kittens hair, black and a bit ruffled due to her sleeping and Whamuu petting her, she began to brush her fingers through her hair as if she was brushing it. Whamuu left the room to give her space. Sighing, he told Kars that she Hayes when you touch her, or even reach your hand out to her. Understanding this, Kars walked away from her room and asked, more like told, Eisidisi to bring Kitten her food.

Nodding, he prepared food, and walked into the room. The meal was steak and abit of tuna. Giving her the tray, he left the room and said he would be back in about 30 minutes. Not looking at him, Kitten waited until he left to eat.

Getting food everyday was new. Usually forced to eat every other day, Kitten learned to go without food for a day. But, she was hungry and there was food, so looks like she gonna be a happy little kitty today. Purring lowly, she enjoyed every last bite. Savoring each bite as if it was the last thing she was going to eat in her life.

After the good meal, he returned took the plate and left once again. Months later, Kitten soon began to allow them to pet her, hold her, and she even began to sit on their lap. 

Kitten, sitting on Kars lap, he slowly pet her as she let him do her hair. Emitting a low purr, Kitten begins to fade into a world where she was never abused, and she was owned by the 3 men, treating her how they treat her now. 

She leaned back,, and rested her head onto Kars's shoulder. Whamuu entering the room, nearly had a nosebleed to how cute the sight was before him. Staggering back, he let Kars know of his reason for entering her room. That was to give her food. 

Clearly, she wouldn't eat it right away. Getting up, Kars held her bridal style and set her on the bed. Telling Whamuu to put the food on the table next to her, they left. 

Hours later, Kitten woke up to eat her food. Once she was done, she walked out seeing the 3 talking at a table. Their conversation stopped when they noticed her. Eisidisi leaving, Kars and Whamuu signaled for her to come closer. Following these orders, she walks up to them.

 Sitting down on the chair Eisidisi was sitting in, it had an unusual warmth to it. Looking at them, they ask if she wanted to stay with them forever. Nodding her head, it was clear she wanted to stay. Whamuu, the happy and innocent big boy he is, began to pet her in between her ears. 

Purring at this action, she allowed him to  continue. She enjoyed this feeling, as it brought happiness into her life. Kitten still has nightmares about her abused life, but not as often as she used to. Her dreams now consist of happy things like her running in an open field and having the soft grass and flowers brush up against her soft skin. 

Kitten never has to worry about being abused ever again.


That's the story. This one was long, took me 5 hours to write, and still couldn't input a drawing I drew of Kitten based off the details that were given to me. Sad and tired, Cinzia finishes this at 3am. Sad because she couldn't sleep with her 2 annoying dogs constant barking. Slamming her head on her bed frame, Cinzia tries and knocks herself out, but fails and now has a huge headache. (Not really) lazily she gets up and eats food. Only getting 3 hours of sleep, she has to go to school. She's now screaming her head off hating the fact that she has to learn crap she's gonna forget one way or another. Ok, bye now.

I rewrote the ending because AmethystTiger asked if it could end like this, and of course, I said yes. Ok, the story may be too cliche, but how else and i supposed turn villains into not so villainy things? Anyway, I tried on making the ending a good one.  

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