Dio Brando x reader Special (part 1)

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The streets of London was what you called home. You were a beautiful young lady with (H/C) and (E/C) eyes. It really came in handy when people passed by you. They noticed you on cold days and would offer to buy you some clothes for the cold, harsh winters. You always thanked them for buying you whatever you wanted. Today was different. It was a perfectly normal summer day for you in the streets. 

"Who is that girl?" A voice from behind you asked. You didn't bother to turn around. "Hey! What's your name?" A males voice coming closer to you caused you to turn around. There stood a young gentleman. Blue hair, blue eyes, and he was roughly around your age.

"U-um... (Y-y/N)..." you couldn't hide the nervousness in your voice. He held out his hand and smiled at you.

"The names Jonathan Joestar, but everyone calls me JoJo! Nice to meet a fine young lady like yourself (Y/ N)!" He took your hand and kissed it. You blushed at his actions, never being greeted like this before. "Wanna go play by the river?" He smiled and waited eagerly for your response. You just nodded your head. He grabbed your hand and rushed off down to the river, you almost tripping at how fast he ran. As soon as you two reached the river, a dog came running up to JoJo. "Danny!" He yelled as the dog jumped into his arms. You smiled at the dog, but refused to touch it. You had a bad history with them.

"D-does it b-bite?" You questioned as the dog waged its tail at you.

"Danny's a sweet dog! He wouldn't dare to hurt a fly!" JoJo pat Danny's head. You smiled at how cute he was. Before you two could say another word, horse hooves clapping against the ground signaled a carriage going somewhere. You looked up to see a huge mansion. "I wonder who that is?" JoJo said running towards the mansion. The carriage came to a stop and you watched from the trees. Luggage seemed to be thrown out before another young man jumped out. "You must be Dio Brando!" JoJo said to the young man who had just exited the carriage.

"And you must be Jonathan Joestar!" The blonde haired boy grinned at JoJo. Danny barked and ran up to the boy. 

"This is Danny! He doesn't bite!" JoJo opened his arms for the dog to come running into them. The blonde haired boy seemed to not like dogs, as he kicked Danny in the face. JoJo growled at the boy and got into a fighting stance. 

"JoJo! I see you have meet your new brother! Dio Brando!" A man with similarly blue hair as Jonathan. 

"B-brother!" JoJo said extremely shocked. 

"Come now, it's time to eat." The man walked inside and JoJo soon followed him. The blonde boy however, seemed to notice you. He looked your way and grinned. After you hid behind the tree, he walked inside with his luggage. 

"Must be nice living in such a luxurious home!" You sniffed almost crying at how jealous you were.

"Hey (Y/ N)! I have a question!" You turned around to see JoJo standing at the door. "Do you have a place to live?" He ran up to you with a curious face. You shook your head no and tried to run off back to the streets. He grabbed a hold of your arm and your turned to face him with tears in your eyes. "Why don't you stay with us?" He smiled pulling you towards the mansion.

"I can't. I'll just be too much for you and your family to take care of! Plus the streets is where my home is. Not in such a luxurious mansion like you!" You managed to get out of his grip and ran towards a tree before sliding down the trunk crying. 

"Wait here!" Jonathan ran into the mansion and came out minutes later with what seemed to be his father. It was only those two who walked out of the building. 

"Is this the girl you were talking about JoJo?" The father said looking at you. 

"Yes father. She has no where to go. Can she please live with us father?" JoJo said to his father, completely embarrassing you.

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