Caesar Zeppeli x reader

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Your the only female training with Lisa Lisa. You two always had private lessons while the two dorks train with Loggins and the other dude, you never caught his name. Today you would actually meet them for the first time. Putting on your normal cloths,( It can be whatever you want), you get ready to walk out of your room.

Lisa Lisa told you their names. Caesar Zeppeli and Joseph Joestar. Suzie Q knocked on your door and told you it was time to eat. Walking out, they all look at you. Ignoring them, you sit down next to Lisa Lisa. The Englishman Joseph, he took his spaghetti and filled it with hamon and threw it at the Italian. 

"Jojo that's enough, stop trying to throw hamon filled spaghetti at Caesar." Suzie Q scolded Joseph. Jojo just gave a pouting face.  Laughing at Joseph's reaction, you finally speck.

"That's one way to introduce yourself Jojo," You smiled. Your voice could calm oceans and even tame a raging tiger. Everyone was surprised by this. You were never the talkative type. The only time you spoke was to answer Lisa Lisa's questions. 

"This is (Y/N)," Lisa Lisa said gesturing for them to say hello. After they said their hellos, dinner finished and you walked to your room. You felt as though you were being followed. It had to be Caesar, because all he did was look at you. 

"Caesar, I know it's you, so what do you want." You said as you turned around to meet the Italian. Before you could fully turn around though, he pushed you onto the wall and stared into your (E/C) eyes. Shivering, you felt his hand glide across your exposed stomach,( your outfit is going to have a shirt like Jojo's). 

"Amore mio, you are the most beautiful woman I have meet." He said lifting your chin. Jojo, who just so happen to be going somewhere, saw this and took action.

"Caesar you idiot, stop flirting with her and go to your room!" Jojo said pushing Caesar off of you. Baffled by what just happened, you stand there and watch the two boys go at each other. Sighing, you forget what he tried to do to you and tried to push them apart. 

Trying to pull apart to very built men with your fragile body was hard. When this didn't work, you sent hamon into their bodies so they couldn't move a muscle. After about a minute, you released your hamon spell so they could move again. 

"Mamma mia, when did you learn to use your hamon like that?" The Italian playboy asked. Flashbacks went through your head of when your brother Victor taught you how to use hamon. He was killed saving your life.

Sniffling, you said your brother and walked into your room. Just as you were about to lay down, a cockroach ran across the floor making you scream. Opening the door, they ran in and asked what was wrong. Pointing to the cockroach, Caesar backed up and said it was on Jojo and ran out. Following Caesar, you finally stopped when you were outside and near the islands edge. 

Looking towards the ocean, you calmed down. Nature was what calmed you down. Everything in nature but bugs. Sitting down to were your feet was touching the water, you enjoyed the cool feeling it made you feel. You noticed a dolphin struggling in something. Getting up, you used your hamon to walk across the water to the struggling creature.

Binding down, you began to take off the trash that was stuck in its mouth and blow hole. Once it swan under and stayed in that area. You turned around to see Caesar smiling at you. Blushing, you slowly began to near the islands edge. 

Once you were back on land, you looked up at the 6'1 male. His emerald green eyes stared back down to you. Being 5'4, (that's your height. Sorry if your taller than that), you felt as though you had to almost break your neck to look at his face.

"Tesoro, would you want to walk around the island for a bit?" His voice almost seducing. Nodding your head, you asked if he wanted to pet the dolphin. "Si, I'd love to." He smiled. Stepping on the water, you walked up to a spot and sat on your knees. Closing your eyes, you began to to sing a song. 

Jjba x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя