Dio Brando x reader Special (part 3)

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Years had pass sense Jonathan's and Dio's last argument or fight. Everything was all and well for you. You had gotten a boyfriend and he seemed to treat you nicely. 

"My (Y/ N)! You look awfully pretty today!" He kissed your hand. "Join me for my last game of the season and before I graduate!" He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pointed to the seats as he walked into the locker room. You smiled and sat down eager for the game to start. After a few minutes of waiting, a group of girls sat down next to you and started talking to each other.

"Look! He asked me to marry him!" One of the girls seemed overly excited at the expensive ring on her finger.

"Is it true he is cheating on (Y/ N) with you Paula?" You felt eyes staring into the back of your head. 

"Duh! He felt sorry for her! And plus, she had a huge crush on him. Right!" Paula turned you around to face her. Tears were streaming down your face by now. "Look at that! The so called love of her life has another woman who is ten times better than her! Serves her right!" This conversation took the entire game. Paula and her gang made sure you couldn't leave until the game was over. Gary knocked you down and grinned. 

"I see you meet my fiance Paula. By the way, we're over. I never liked you. Go die in a hole!" He pushed you down once again when you got back up. Tears filled your eye as you ran down the bleachers. They were like a volcano erupting after years of building up lava. You ran towards home crying your eyes out. Jonathan and Dio noticed you crying and wanted to get revenge for making their "sister" cry. They basically beat him up where no one could see or find out about it. Then they rushed home.

"Miss (Y/ N)! Are you alright!?" The maids seemed on high alert as you burst into the building crying. You said nothing and ran past them to your room. Dio and JoJo coming home shortly after. They ran to their father, who was bed written from his illness. They told him of their victory. He laughed and said he knew because a friend of his told him minutes earlier. After a long visit, they knocked on your door. 

"(Y/ N)! Please open the door!" Jonathan politely asked hoping not to upset you more. The door swung open in their faces to reveal a red eyes you with tears still erupting from them. 

"Gary has been taken care of. We made sure to never mess with you ever again!" Dio walked his way into your room. You allowed Jonathan to come in too. They comforted you until the you finished wetting their clothes with tears. Crying for two hours straight really made you tired. Your eyelids had a tough decision of making you go to sleep or stay awake. They decided to make you fall asleep. You leaned onto Dio's shoulder and eventually his lap. You  soundly dozed off at their presence. Jonathan smiled and booped your nose.

"Sleep well sister!" He walked out signaling Dio to do the same. The nodded and carefully removed your head from his lap. He slid you under the covers and kissed your forehead, pausing almost kissing your lips. He stood up straight and walked out, all the while grinning at your sleeping face. 

"Master Dio, would you please take your father's medicine to him please?" A maid asked as he walked down the stairs. He nodded and was handed the medicine. He whirled around and began walking up the stairs to his "father's" room. He made his way up, secretly switching the medicine for poison. 

"Hold it right there Dio!" Jonathan growled from the bottom step. "Just when did you start taking father his medicine!?" JoJo ran up to Dio. JoJo grabbed Dio's hand and took the "medicine" from his hand and inspected it closely. "This isn't medicine! It's poison!" He growled at Dio and slammed him against the railing nearby. The railing broke, causing Dio to fall down to the bottom floor. Dio groaned in agony as his now badly sprained arm shot pain all across his body. The maids rushed to his aid.

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