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"Mitchy, you coming? We're ready."

Scott and Avi were already sitting comfortably on the sofa, the laptop set in front of them, skype already open. Only hours before, they had found out that there was a picture leaked which clearly showed Avi and Mitch kissing on the dancefloor on Scott's parents' birthday party. So after they had digested this information by cuddling and talking, they were about to call Esther to talk about what they would do about it.

"I'm here, Honeys" Mitch said as he flopped down in between his boyfriends. "Ready?" He the asked as he leaned forward and pressed the 'call' button.

"Hi, how are you?"

"Hi, Esther" the three boys greeted back.

"Not too bad" Scott then added with a slight smile on his face. "Obviously we're still shocked, but then again it happened and we'll just have to deal with it."

"Yeah..." Esther shrugged her shoulders. "Any idea on how you want to deal with it?"

"Not yet..." Avi spoke up. "Mainly because Scott needs more time to prepare for going public and we won't do anything unless we all feel ready. It's a huge step." He looked at Scott with a warm smile on his face mainly to show him that he was fine with him taking more time.

"Alright" Esther said. "So no coming out as a triad for now, got it. But what about the picture?"

"Well" Mich started. "Basically we're planning to just ignore it? We all know how our fans are. They will hype it for a few days, maybe a week or two, and we'll just let them. We won't deny that it's out there but our relationship is private and for now we just don't want them to know."

"So no comments on this picture. It's probably for the best. Because if you were to comment on it you'd either come out as a triad, for which you are not ready. Or you could tell the fans that Mitch and you are in a relationship or that it's not real."

"True, but the last two options would entail lying to the fans and denying aspects of our relationship" Avi said, looking at Scott with a small smile on his face. "Both options sound utterly horrible to me."

"I agree with you" Esther stated, before she opened her mouth as if to say something, but she refrained from it.

"What's on your mind, Es?" Scott wanted to know.

"Oh it's just... I've been thinking. Maybe you don't have to make a fuss out of everything? Like your coming out? I mean with everything in the past, your previous relationships and Kirstie's and Kevin's, they never stood up and explained themselves. Maybe we don't need to do this at all? Maybe you could just go on and... live your lives and don't care? Or am I being too optimistic, too naïve?"

"I don't know" Scott replied, biting his lower lip. "But it does sound right to me in a way. It's the ideal, the way it should be."

"Well..." Mitch started, falling silent immediately, seemingly thinking his words over once more. "I think that this is actually a brilliant idea for if the time is right. Because I don't want to stage our coming out. I just want to stop caring about whatever we're doing in public. Like in holding hands, hugs, kisses and just dates and maybe if needed we'll do something. But in the end I just don't want it to change a thing about us, because I love the way we work together, loves. I'm just kind of missing the PDA aspect of it."

To this Scott only sighed. "I miss this as well... I'm just... scared."

"But you'll always be scared. No one will ever be able to take that from you, unfortunately, but we'll do our very best to help you with everything, Scott" Esther explained with a soft voice.

Triphilia - the third time has it's charm | book 3 | ScomaviWhere stories live. Discover now