Chapter 8

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"Loves? I'm heading out now. You enjoy your evening together?" Avi said as he grabbed his jacket.

"We will" Mitch returned with a smile on his face. He was still lounging on the bed with Scott, too comfortable to even thinkabou getting up. "Kiss?" He therefore just asked pouting at the bearded man.

Avi chuckled. "I wouldn't leave without one" he said as he leaned down to peck Mitch's lips. "Or rather two" he added before kissing Scott as well. "I'll see you later."

"Yep. We'll be here and if not, we'll let you know. "Bye Avi, have fun."

"I will." Avi waved at his boyfriends one last time before he left the room to meet his sister in the lobby.

Esther was already waiting for him, she waved slightly when she saw him coming out of the lift.

Avi smiled as he approached her and hugged her tightly. "You look amazing, this dress looks amazing on you" he complimented her.

"Thank you. You look good as well" Esther returned.

"Thank you" Avi returned. "Now... shall we? I might be a little hungry..."

"When aren't you hungry?" Esther joked back as they went out of the hotel and into the direction of the restaurant.

"There's a lot of times" Avi returned, grinning at his sister. "Now. How are you, how is Darien, how's the dog?"

"I'm fine" Esther returned. "Happy to be reunited with you and the rest if only for a couple days before it's back home. Darien is fine as well, he's on the road with... Coldplay, but he'll be home one day after me and we actual get to spend a week together before it's back to work."

Avi smiled. "That sounds great. Any plans for that week?"

"None... Maybe we'll go somewhere on a short vacation, but I just want to spend some time with my husband for a change. Life's been hectic for us, you know? We haven't really had more than two days together for months now..." Esther explained.

"That sucks..." Avi returned.

"Yeah, but this is the life we chose" Esther returned. "And we're doing our best to make the most of the time we have for one another, that's just how we work out."

"I'm glad that you and Darien are going so strong" Avi said. 

"Me too. It's not always easy, but it's worth it in the end" Esther said. "How about you? What's life in LA like at the moment?"

"Great. I'm working on music a lot, because I just feel inspired right now" Avi explained. 

"I assume there will be a lot of love songs?" Esther teased her little brother. 

"Mmhm, not only love songs, but thoughtful ones and bright and happy ones..." Avi smiled back at her. "I'm just living my life to the fullest right now and this is what I want to show with my music." He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm happy."

"I assume that it has a lot to do with Mitch and Scott?" Esther wanted to know.

"Definitely" Avi returned. "They are amazing, our relationship is just so full of love, of happiness. And the fact that we're slowly making our way towards going official. We went out on a date. Scott took us out for dinner and a walk through the park. We held hands and kissed and did just what people who are in love do. It felt right."

"Mmhm  and you also were down at the beach with Mitchy yesterday?" Esther stated. "It was all over the yellow press this morning. You looked cute though."

"Thank you. I wouldn't have thought that there would be paparazzi following us." Avi shook his head. "If they had stayed behind for like fifteen minutes more, they would've gotten a few nice shots of the three of us, because Scott was there, too."

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