Chapter 7

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"When do we need to leave? I don't want to get up" Scott whined when Avi had turned the alarm off the next morning.

"The car will be here in an hour..." Avi explained, stretching his limbs and pressing a soft kiss to Scott's cheek. "Breakfast at home or...?"

"Hmmm..." Scott hummed. "We'll have time to get something at the airport, don't we?"

"Yes, of course" Mitch returned. "And there will be food on the plane as well. And coffee, a lot of coffee!"

"Well then I can stay in bed a little longer" Scott said. "After all I have packed last night and showered."

"You do you, Love" Avi returned as he stood up. "I'll wake you up once more, later. Half an hour?"

"Mmhm..." Scott hummed, already closing his eyes again.

Avi looked at Mitch questioningly, but the smaller man only shrugged his shoulders, getting up as well. Together they went into the bathroom.

"Is he okay?" Avi whispered. "He seems cranky..."

"He has these days" Mitch returned, whispering as well. "Just give him a few minutes, he'll be alright."

Avi nodded. "That's good to know. Thank you, Love."

Mitch smiled at his boyfriend. "You're welcome. If he's still in bed when you're out of the shower, just try waking him up with a kiss, I think he'd love that."

"I will. Do you need to shower as well, Mitchy?"

"No" Mitch smiled. "But I need to pack up my stuff. Mind me doing that while you shower?"

Avi shook his head. "Never." He winked at him before he turned around and undressed after turning on the shower. He stood there for a moment and could literally feel his boyfriend's gaze on his body. He bit his lip, not saying a thing as he got into the shower and washed his hair and body, quickly. 

Mitch had turned his gaze away from his boyfriend at once and quickly grabbed the items he still needed to pack into his back, before she slid out of the room. Back in the bedroom, he saw that Scott was asleep again. He smiled at his cute, sleeping form and went out of the room, back into his own room to pack up his stuff and to get dressed for the trip to New York. Once he was finished, he took his suitcase downstairs and prepared himself a coffee.

Back upstairs Avi had finished his shower and went back into the bedroom and up to Scott, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He leaned down and softly kissed his cheek. "Good morning, Love. It's time to get up. There's a plane waiting for us..."

Scott stirred and his eyes fluttered open. He smiled when he saw Avi's face that close. "Hi, gorgeous..."

Avi chuckled and shook his head. "You're better than you were twenty minutes ago..." he commented.

"Mmhm, I guess I needed the second nap..." Scott stretched his arms and sat up. "Thanks for waking me up that sweetly."

"You're welcome, Love" Avi returned. "I need to get dressed now, I'll see you downstairs, alright?" 

Scott nodded. "Yes, thank you once again. I'll be ready in ten."

Avi left the room to get dressed himself and then joined Mitch in the kitchen after he had put his suitcase next to Mitch's in the hallway. 

"Hey, how's Scotty?" Mitch asked as the bearded man got himself a glass of juice from the fridge. 

"Better. He said that he needed that additional nap. He'll make it through the day" Avi explained and grabbed himself a banana for a quick and easy breakfast. 

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