Makia "Maya's" Backstory

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The sound of conversation and the buzz of life seemed to leave the girl as she trotted onwards. It seemed muted behind her, as if underwater. Such an uncanny feeling was familiar to the girl; she'd experienced it many times before, she done it many times before.
   Williows had slipped her the note during breakfast, placing it cleverly under her plate. He worked in the cafeteria, and kept them informed on the condition of the food.
    They had just moved a fresh stalk of carrots and bread to the 3 chamber, upper level.
   Makia was going to steal it.
The girl's heart jumped at the sound of footsteps behind her, but was soon assured by the familiar stride. A second later, James trots up next to her, a silly grin on his face. "Hey Maya." Hey whispers, using his nickname for her as he quickly kisses her check. "Ready to go hunt some vegetables?"
She rolls her eyes, her face holding an undeniable smile. "Absolutely." She mutters back with a playful roll of her eyes, cautious of her volume.
He wraps an arm around her in a boy-friendly way, holding her close. She seems to fold into it, gathering strength from him.
They both take a quick turn down a side door, following the map Willows had given them. Almost there.
Any onlooker would assume that the two were simply strolling down the hallway, love-ridden. Which, as a matter of fact, they were. The two had been dating for 3 years now.
This was far from a simple lovers' stroll, however. When Makia had turned 15, she'd seen a 18 year old floated for stealing an apple for his little brother, whom was sick. Ever since then, she'd fought against the government. Makia formed the Right Justice a group of teens who fought for the weak and helpless.
That'd been a year ago, and they were going strong. She'd sworn to protect them, as all the other members; there were 23 of them total.
James and Maika take another turn, pausing momentarily at a doorway before entering, closing it softly behind them. "Jackpot." Makia whispers with the a grin, picking up the loaves of bread in wonder. This could supply the Right Justice's cause for weeks on end...they would no longer have to turn away most of the second children and the sick.
"Jackpot indeed." James says with the same grin, heading behind the shelves across the room. He starts to pack away the carrots. "How much did you think we should take?" He asks. They always tried to take so little at a time, the Ark wouldn't notice. It was easier that way, without them on high alert. However....they were really low on supplies right now. And the second children couldn't just stop eating.
"All of it." Makia says after a brief hesitation. It was risky, but they needed it.
"All of it?" James asks with widen eyes, pausing. "Are you sure-"
He's cut off as the door slams open, two guards in full gear marching in. They turn immediately to the left, heading James's muted gasp. Makia hadn't gasped; she was too shocked.
"Who's there? Hand up, and come on out. Now!" They yell, guns pointed at the shelve. Makia's heart pounded a million miles a second. James was 18...he'd be floated. And it'd be all her fault. James himself was perfectly willing to step out if that meant Makia would be safe, but found himself acting too late.
Makia throws one last look into his partially hidden, beautiful, green eye. The second seemed to last forever, her vision beginning to cloud with tears. She knew there was only one option. "Goodbye." She whispers softly, taking a loaf of bread and pelting it at the guards back. As soon as she was sure she'd hit her target, Makia dashes out, knocking over the shelf near her in the process. Both guards turn and follow, shouting; she makes it to the end of the hall before they pin her down. They harshly cuff her hands behind her back, pushing her face into the ground....
James knew the the Right Justice needed to go on, and that he'd sworn to protect them. He knew his age, and had been perfectly willing to die for the crime of helping the weak. He stood stock still with shock as Makia ran out, causing both guards to chase her. His heart stood still.
"No!" He whispers, breaking into a million pieces. He knew Maika was only 16...she'd be tried as much. But he still couldn't comprehend the Makia...his Maya...had done that for him. His mind and heart in pieces, his legs do the only sensible thing- they run. He runs...something he would regret for the rest of his life.
Makia is roughly pulled up and hauled towards the chancellors' office, the two guards holding her arms with a death- like grip. By now, her face had hardened. She would show no more weakness.
They reach the office and push through, the chancellor waiting inside. By his side sat Willows, whom would get a promotion out of his treachery.
"Makia May Jennings? Pleasure to meet you." The Chancellor says with a small, hidden smile. She knew he'd take happiness in the capture of the Right League's leader.
"It's Maya." She whispers, her heart breaking.

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