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eddie sat alone on his bed, the blanket over his head and a torch placed firmly in his little hand. his favourite book was sat between his crossed legs and a soft smile was permanently plastered on his pink-tinted lips.

small taps were heard as rain fell onto his window and a smooth rumble of thunder was audible. eddie was the calmest he'd been in a while.

the blissful moment was interrupted when the large window swung open and a loud thud errupted through the room.

he threw his torch and book then ripped the blanket off of his head. eddie looked down to his floor only to see his boyfriend.

eddie placed his little feet on his fluffy carpet, his toes instantly curling at the contact. he stood up with a dorky grin and his arms crossed playfully.

richie stood up and brushed himself off, turning to eddie to reveal his beaten and bloody face and tear stained cheeks.

eddie's careless expression turned into one of horror as he caught sight of the lanky boy's bruised face.

the younger boy walked over to richie with a slow pace. he carefully lifted his hand and hesitantly cupped richie's cheek.

a small wince emitted from the taller boy's cracked lips as he cowered away. a tear dropped from eddie's guilty eye as he placed his small hand over his mouth.

he grabbed richie's bony hand softly and stared into the boy's hurtful eyes with a deep and careful expression.

richie stared back, his usually warm eyes almost empty looking. it pained eddie to see his love like this.

eddie slowly made his way to his cold bathroom, the fragile boy following with a small limp.

as they reached it eddie started to violently dig around in his cabinet for his first aid supplies. richie lifted himself up with a painful whimper and sat himself down on the counter by the sink.

eddie's face broke into a triumphant grin as he found the right supplies he needed to help his boyfriend.

he hopped back up and placed everything next to richie. richie's eyes followed his every move with a tiny smile.

eddie picked up a towel and turned on the tap, placing it under to make it damp before turning the tap off again.

the damp towel made contact with richie's face and he pulled away with a sharp intake of air.

eddie frowned and delicately turned the older boy's face via his chin. he nodded his head with a guilty look in his eyes before placing the damp towel back on the dried blood.

he started to wash it all off, occasionally earning a painful groan or whimper from the troubled kid.

every time he looked like he was in pain, eddie planted a small kiss on his - now cleaned off - cheek or forehead; just to comfort him and let him know he's ok.

the dried blood was finally gone revealing how bad richie's face actually was.

there were deep cuts placed on his cheeks, forehead and nose. purple, green and blue marks were peppered across his perfectly structured face and he had an obnoxious black eye. his lips were cracked, busted and swollen from the constant flow of tears that fell from his puffy red eyes.

the caring boy grabbed the rubbing alchohol and dipped a cotton bud in the bottle.

he gave richie a look that said 'this-is-gonna-hurt-bad' then a, 'im-sorry-i-love-you-and-hate-doing-this'.

richie looked back at him with furrowed eyebrows before realisation flooded onto his features. a sad sigh pushed into eddie's ears and he swore his heart broke there and then.

the tired boy looked defeated as he nodded his head, looking down and letting his wet raven curls flop over his eyes.

eddie smiled sadly before tilting richie's head and planting a kiss on his cheek, adding fuel to the pink flames that erupted onto his face.

time passed as eddie rubbed richie's wounds; they were both in pain for different reasons.

after eddie cleaned him up and made sure the cuts wouldn't get infected, he stuck his little pink bandaids on them and giggled at how silly richie looked.

richie hopped off the counter and stared into the mirror at the stupid bandaids before turning around, smiling admirably at his little boyfriend.

they stared into eachothers eyes for a while before making their way back to eddie's bedroom.

they both hopped into eddie's bed and tangled their legs together, getting into a comfortable position.

richie's face was in eddie's neck. eddie's fingers were fiddling with richie's hair. richie held eddie's torso tight, no space between their bodies. eddie's free arm was wrapped around richie's neck, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly.

richie sobbed violently into eddie's neck as eddie silently cried with him.

'i got you, baby.' eddie assured richie in his mind.

no words were spoken that night. just actions of pure love.

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