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"come on, girly boy. i'll show you a good time."

the putrid stench of alcohol rushed into eddie's nostrils as he leant against a wall, being cornered by kevin miller. the much taller boy was clearly drunk, slurring his words and occasionally hiccuping. he was looming over eddie, who was finding it hard to gag at the strong scent of vodka on the older boy's breath.

he was currently at a house party. eddie hated parties, but richie had somehow convinced him to come, and now said boy had abandoned eddie to get more beers. kevin was highly intoxicated, and obviously very horny as he'd been begging eddie to have sex with him for the past 10 minutes.

"um, no thank you, kevin." he replied politely, forcing a fake smile to his lips. he took a sip of his water and attempted to walk away, but was grabbed by the arm and roughly pulled into kevin's embrace.

"i promise i'll make it worth your while." the tall boy said with a seductive wink, sliding both his hands down eddie's back until they landed on his ass.

eddie squeaked and started to panic as he tried to push kevin away, but failed as kevin was much stronger than him. however, eddie finally managed to escape his grip and rushed downstairs, frantically searching for one of his friends.

he pushed past people and mumbled out "sorry" every second, but it didn't matter as they were drowned out by the obnoxiously loud music booming from the speakers.

eddie's desperate gaze finally found stan and bill, who were both holding beers and laughing with each other. the small boy felt relieved as he rushed over to them.

"e-eddie, what happened? are you o-ok?" bill stuttered out, worry present in his ocean eyes. eddie just nodded and played with his hands nervously.

"is, um, is richie back yet?" he choked out, tears springing to his eyes.

"yeah, eds, he's out back smoking," stan replied with narrowed eyebrows, "are you sure you're ok?"

"yeah, im fine. thank you," eddie replied quickly, running to the back door and fumbling with the handle.

he finally opened it and ran to richie, who was standing with a cigarette in his long fingers. his face immediately lit up when he saw eddie, but was quickly replaced with a concerned frown when he had a proper look.

"what's wrong?" he asked worriedly as he flicked his cigarette onto the floor, walking over to eddie and wrapping him in his arms. eddie snuggled into his chest and thought about it before answering.

"i need to talk to you," he said softly, pulling out of richie's embrace and not meeting the older boy's chocolate eyes which were filled with subtle fear.

richie nodded and grabbed eddie's hand softly, pulling him over to two chairs. they sat down and richie stared at the small boy, waiting for him to speak.

"um, so, uh, you know kevin miller? from the year above," eddie stumbled over his words as he tried to find the write ones to say. richie paused and nodded when he remembered.

"well, w-while you were gone, he, uh,"

"jesus, eds, you're turning into bill. spit it out," richie chuckled, but his smile dropped when he saw eddie's scared expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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