Chapter 1: Introductions

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"Come on Combusken! Use Double Kick!"

A red and orange Pokemon jumped up and kicked a Magneton in the face(s) and it fell. The Combusken landed on the ground softly, but the Magneton fell face(s) first onto the battlefield.

"Nice job," Wattson said. "Here's your DynamoBadge."

He threw a small sparkling thing at me. I caught it, put it in my badge case next to two others.

"We did it, Combusken!" I ran at Combusken and hugged him. He was very hot. He is a fire type, though. "You deserve a rest. Return." I held up a Pokeball and it was sucked inside.

"You know, there's a rumor that I can tell you is true," Wattson said as I turned around to leave. "The gym leaders- all of them- are being replaced!"

"WHAT???" I turned around so fast I tripped. "They're being REPLACED?"

"Yes, but I am getting too old to be battling nowadays," he said.

"But... But... What'll happen to them?"

"Oh, they'll just live a life. Some people have Pokemon to help them out around the house, or whatever job they have."

"What about the Elite Four? And the champion?"

"Oh, they'll stay."

I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in. "Good." I was wanting to battle the current champion, Steven Stone. He also runs the Devon corporation.

"Well, rumor has it, this one I don't know if it's true, is that Steven is going to give his post to Wallace."

I gasped. "DANG IT HOENN, CAN'T YOU AGREE WITH ME???" I yelled. Then I realized Wattson was holding his ears. "Sorry." I turned around and left.


I healed up my team at the Pokemon Center. It consists of Burn, my Delphox, my shiny Dragonite, my shiny Sylveon, my awesome Combusken, then my two epics: Mew and Mewtwo, who can Mega Evolve. I don't usually tell anyone about them, because they are, well, kinda insanely super epic gargantuanly rare.

Oh, I haven't properly introduced myself. My name is Zeke Gravinur. My hometown is Hardy Town in the region of Janid. I'm also the first guy to capture a Mew. Ever. I'm 13 right now, but my birthday is coming up in a week. I'm exited!

I walked down the hallway in the center and when I came to room 206, I walked inside.

"How'd the battle go?" A girl about my age with crazy blonde hair and four green Pokeballs on her belt named Goldie  asked me when I came in.

"Well, it could've gone better..."

"Aw, I'm sorry, Zeke. You'll get them next time!"

"Next time? What next time? I'm just saying it would've been better if Dragonite and Sylveon both hadn't fainted against his first Pokemon!"

"You liar!" She came up to me and slapped me.

"Really? Was that necessary?"

"No, but it felt good."

I laughed. "Come on, let's roll out!"

"Come on! We just got here yesterday! There's hardly any sunlight left! Why should we leave?" Goldie asked.

"Because the air outside is clean, sortof, anyway, and I just have a feeling about tonight. I just can't resist it."


We packed up our stuff in a minute and left. I hopped on my new Acro Bike and popped a wheelie. We rode out to the forest and after a few minutes, we were about a mile away from the city. I found a nice clearing and put up the tent. Goldie made the fire pit and was now looking for some water. I let my Pokemon out, and Burn started a fire. He was a fully grown, level X Pokemon. Yes, level X. Highest level of everything. It takes pretty much everything you've got to get to that level. Only recently, though. Only a few Pokemon with special talents can get this level. Again, a few. Like, 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000. Mainly a couple of Legendaries and a couple random Pokemon.

"Hey, how'd the battle go? I was at the room, so I didn't get to see it," Mew said.

"Yeah, how did it go?" Mewtwo asked me.

"Same here. I didn't get to see it." Burn said.

No, they cannot talk human (Except for Burn). I talk the Poke-language. Burn can also speak english. I'll tell you why.

Three years ago me and Burn were just starting out on our journey, and Mew came to us. I caught it in a Masterball, but I don't know how it got there. It was just- there. I let him out and he switched our souls. It took a while, though. When we woke up the next morning we realized it. We journeyed for a while, then Burn in my body and Goldie were kidnapped by Team Jupiter. Fortunately, mew was still with me. he made an illusion that I was zeke, and I won the last few badges. Then we climbed up mount Griloge and defeated the leader of Team Jupiter. He was thrown in the Disorition world, and Mewtwo was still there, on the ground with a Mega Stone. I took Mewtwo and the Mega Stone, and we've been able to Mega Evolve him ever since. Then we left Janid and destroyed Kanto and Johto. And Mew switched us back. I was able to understand both languages now, and it sure has gotten me out of a couple of situations.

I explained the battle. Everyone was on the edge of their seat (they were really small, so they always were) and when I said I killed it, they cheered.

"Wow." Mew said.

"Thanks. Also, the gym leaders are going to be replaced, and Steven Stone is going to hand the title of Champion to Wallace!"

"WHAT???" Everyone was shocked.

"Yeah. I know. It is too crazy. But maybe we can be the last to battle him before he resigns, then We can battle Wallace after it."

"I hope so. I've been wanting to break that Stone with a Mega Evolved Aura Shere attack!" Mewtwo said.

"Come on guys. Let's just have dinner."

I set up the bowls and was putting Pokemon Food in the bowls when Goldie came back with the water. I put some soup in her bowl and finally in mine. I ate dinner, then went to bed. The fire was still flickering when I went to sleep.



Ok guys, I want that constructive criticism. Please. Just tell me what's wrong.

Vote and comment and that stuff.

Bai Cookie :D

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