Chapter 3: Stranded

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Mew went down. He was luckily just about 10-15 feet above the ground, and the trees broke out fall. Well, Goldie's fall, anyway. I fell 15 feet onto my back. The wind was knocked out of me and I fell into a coma. At least, I think it was a coma. I was in a coma at the time, so I couldn't tell.

I woke up to a painful feeling on every part of my body.

"Zeke. Zeke. Zeke!"

"Mew, get off of me..."

I felt a little better as a small weight got off of my chest.

"Come on, let's go find Goldie."

I sat up, but then I fell back down and felt even worse. "I... I don't think I have that kind of strength to sit up yet..." I said in a wheezy voice.

"Here, get on my back." Mew turned into a Rapidash.

"I just told you, I cant do that!"

"Here..." He turned back into Mew, put me on his back using Psychic, then he turned back into Rapidash. I was on his back now. "Let's go!"

We wandered off into the dark forest. I checked my PokeFone, but it said we were in some space somewhere between Unova and Kanto. Janid was a bit further north than Kalos, which was northern of Unova. So we had a long way to go. and Mew was tired as heck from that fall. He was even going very very slow, and we were looking everywhere; up, down, left, right, but no sign of Goldie.

"Mew, cant you do some sort of sweeping thing? Like a radar?"

"I can turn into a Pokemon that knows Future Sight," he replied. "But I don't know if I could handle that."

"You have to," I said in a strong voice. "We must get Goldie back! She is a member of the Mew Team, and we leave no man or woman behind! And... Mew, what are you doing?"

Mew was waving a flag and singing a kind of tune. "Sorry," he said, and stopped waving the flag. It had some red and white stripes, and some white stars on a blue part in a corner.

"What is that from?" I asked.

"Dunno. Kinda just thought of it, and it looked right."

"Let's just go find Goldie."

At that moment, something heavy fell on me.

"Ugh..." I moaned. It hurt a lot.

"Ow... Thanks, Zeke."

"Goldie?" I stood up with a little difficulty, throwing her off me. "What the heck?"

"I... Uh... I... Well, I, kinda, sorta,"


"I hit something like a floor. Like a giant treehouse. I was knocked out for a few minutes, then someone... someone familiar... they pushed me off. Luckily I landed on you... So..." Goldie stopped.

"How familiar?"

"I don't know..."

She fainted.

"Come on, Mew. Let's get her up."

I still didn't have my strength (because of Goldie), but Mew did. He turned back into Latios and used Psychic on Goldie. I climbed on by myself.

"You ready?" Mew asked.

"Hold on." I took an Escape Rope from my bag and wrapped it around me and Goldie like a seatbelt. "Yes."

"Here we go!" Mew launched. Only after a second, I saw a treehouse. Just like Goldie said. And I saw someone waving. Someone slightly familiar.

Mew gained lots of speed. In an hour or two, we landed in Hardy Town. Well, we landed in the lab. Crashed through the roof, is more specific.

"Aw, that hurt," I said.

"Zeke! Goldie! Mew! What're you doing here?" My dad came running up to us. "Uh-oh."

"Yeah. Something is terribly wrong." I said, undoing the knot on the Escape Rope.

"What's with Goldie?"

"We were attacked. By Rayquazza. Mew was hit. We went down. She landed on some kind of treehouse thing. I'm serious."

"So why were you coming back to Janid? The Pokemon Championships haven't happened yet in Hoenn."

I told him about the dream. "No..."


He muttered a swear word. "Come on. Also, I have someone that needs someone else to accompany him on his journey."

"Dad, it can't be us."

"Why not?"

"He. Is. Starting. In. Janid. Not. Hoenn. Four. Badges. In."


We walked along the corridor. After a little bit of time, we came to a big room. There was a bunch of Pokemon there; Abomasnow, Gengar, Kangaskhan, even a... is that an Absol with wings?

"Zeke, Goldie, Mew. This is the Mega Evolution lab."

"Wait... This wasn't here before!" I said.

"Yes, I know. I got the idea after you told me about Mewtwo. Professor Sycamore and I have been sharing our information. And I have many Mega Stones."

"And you brought us here why?" I asked.

"Because," he indicated at my Combusken's Pokeball, "I have a Mega Stone for you."

He handed me a black and red ball I immediately recognized as a Mega Stone.

"And maybe a headband to go with it, so it'll stay on," He said.

"Is this..."

"A Blazekenite? Yes."

I muttered "Woah" under my breath. I noticed it was a lot like Mewtwo's stone.

"So... This'll let Combusken Mega Evolve?"

"When it evolves, yes. Now, it's your time to go. If what you say is true, then I have a very bad feeling."

"Bye, dad," I said.

I didn't have a good feeling about leaving. But I had too.

"Come on, Goldie. Let's go."


Sorry it was so short... :'(

I know I likie anyway.

You know the drill.


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