Chapter 1 ~ Renunion

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Isogai woke up as he stretched his arms. He looked at the clock and realized it was 11:45. "Crap! Kataoka's waiting for me!" He exclaims, packing his normal black suit and wore a white shirt with black sweatpants.

As he used the shortcut, basically jumping on roof to roof and tree to tree, he made it on top of the E-class building. "Ah! Kataoka!" He says as he panics. She looked up form the building, showing anger in her eyes. "You're 30 minutes late. You're becoming a slacker, just like-" "I am not Okajima." He stated, as he jumps off the building and landed. "Let's clean this up and get it prep!" He said, sweeping already.

Isogai and Kataoka were the only ones at the campus, cleaning and snipping everything. The tables were out, and the banners with ribbons were up. It was fairly quiet, so Isogai coughed. "Remember how we tried dating?" "Oh that was terrible." Kataoka exclaims as both she and Isogai laughs. "Note to self, don't ever be a beggar." He says as he chuckled, Kataoka smiles in amusement, before sighing.

"You think Fuwa will be here yet along with Marumatsu and the others?? We need them to create the food." Kataoka asks, before getting a anti-sensei knife thrown at her, but able to dodge it.

"Oh, there they are." Isogai said as he waved to the young adults. Chiba, Hayami, Kurahashi, Okuda, Marumatsu, Teresaka, Hazama, Sugino, Kanzaki, Takebayashi, Okajima, Yada, Sugaya, Kaede, Mimura, Hara, Nakamura, Fuwa, Mobile Ritsu, and Itona. "Hey, where are the other five?" Kataoka asks demandingly, before getting sacks thrown at her.

"Here." Someone says bluntly, before Isogai cheers. "Karma!" Kataoka looks up and see the red haired sadist smirking at her. He was dirty of course, and so was Hinata, Kimura, Maehara, and Yoshida. Kataoka frowned. "So..." "Yeah, he wasn't with us."

Isogai sighs as he grabbed the kitchen knives. "Let's create the same foods from that food festival from the café." Isogai states as everyone were pumped up.

Some kids cooked up the acorn noodles, the almond-honey nut chocolate drizzled dessert and other side dishes. Others brought in drinks or made drinks from the mountain. "Remember, don't over do the mountains environment! Remember Koro-sensei's book of rules!" Isogai warns as Maehara looked at him in horror. "YOU FINISHED THAT?! I COULDN'T EVEN READ THE SECOND PARAGRAPH!!" He screams as he started ranting.

Everybody else was changed. The girls were wearing either a dress or a romper. The guys were wearing suits, except Terasaka. "And you're supposed to be a politician." Karma jokes, as Teresaka was trying to punch the loving crap out of him. Karma dodges them all, using Karasuma's dodging skills. "YOU BASTARD!!" Teresaka screams as Karma wore a sadistic smile. "C'mon, come at me! Oh wait, you CAN'T!" He smiles, as Kataoka sighs in disappointment. "You guys are supposed to be adults, not children." She scolds.

Nagisa was hesitating, he looked at the door and looked back at the bed. "Should I stay or should I go?" He asks himself while holding his tie. "You should go." Lovro yelled form the other side of the door. Nagisa wore his signature (=_=,') face. "Sir...? Were you eavesdropping?" Nagisa asks, feeling angry.

There was silence, until the old assassin answered. "Kind of? I was-" Before Lovro can finish, an axe was thrown at the door. The axe went through it, nearly killing Lovro. "Control your anger! I was checking to see if you're ready!" He scolds, while Nagisa peeked through the new hole. "I now have a ginormous peep hole. Cool." Nagisa stated as he smiles.

Lovro looked at him in confusion and horror. "Why am I still alive?" He asks himself as Nagisa brought his hand up. Lovro took the hand and got up. "So, are you ready?" Lovro asks as Nagisa nodded. "But, question..." Lovro looked back at him. When he turned around, he expected a Nagisa with curious eyes. But nope, it was a Nagisa with anger and distrust in his eyes. He showed his phone call history. "YOU CALLED IRINA AND TADAOMI!?" He exclaims, gripping his phone.

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