Chapter 3 ~ A friend in need

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*comes out of hole* gaSP GUYS I MADE IT OUT OF HOMEWORK HELL YALL!! OMG AND THE HIGHSCHOOL SWIM TEAM HATES ME AND I MADE IT OUT!! Y'all I'm sorry if I didn't update like I promised, and I appreciate the votes on my A/N?? 😂😂

Either way, thx for waiting, and on with the story!

Karma looked at Nagisa in utter shock. "A stay?" He choked out as Nagisa nodded shyly.

"You're joking."


"Nagisa, you suck at making me laugh."

Nagisa huffed. "Karma I'm being serious! I got kicked out of my old place 'cuz of this loud damn neighbor making a lie of me being 'too loud.'" Karma looked at him with unsure written all over his face. Nagisa's a great friend, and all, but his Nagisa wouldn't just get kicked out. He would've fought back, and he can tell he's lying.

But....his face is as stoic as Todoroki. Yes I did that- He can't tell if he's lying or not. "Karma? Is there something on my face or...?" Karma blinked as he shook his head in denial. If I let him in my place, I'll get to know what really happened with him. For Nagi... "Yeah sure. I have a guest room anyway, so you can sleep there if you want." Karma explained with a smirk. Nagisa smiled widely as he pounced on Karma, giving him a nice, nice tight hug. Nice 😏 "Thank you so much Karma!! You won't regret it!" The blunette cheered as he ran off, probably getting his stuff.

Karma sighed as he shook his head, biting his lower lip and feeling frustrated. "Dammit...what have I done?" "What was that all about Karma?" He turned his head to Nakamura, who was smiling in a mischievous way. "Nakamura, don't pull an Okajima and stay out of it." Karma snapped in frustration as the blonde threw her hands up in defense, still smiling as she rose a brow. "Whoah! Calm down there Satan, you look frustrated. I just want to know what happened. As a friend, an old classmate." She explained as she crossed her arms, looking generally concerned at Karma.

The red head sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Sorry, just that Nagi asked me a place to stay at." He explained as Nakamura pulled a spit take, making Karma confused of where she get a cup from. Anywho, she started coughing as she punched her chest a bit, having Karma patting her back. Once she calmed down, she finally gasped for air as she looked at him in utter shock. "Really?!" "Yeah, just as surprised as you are." "Nagi, the same blue headed no gender guy that's SO responsible, needs a place to stay?!" She yelled as Karma hushed her.

He saw a few eyes and maybe an angry Irina, but she sighed once Nakamura calmed down. "He really did changed, you or someone else corrupted his soul." She joked, sighing and leaning against the wall. "Well, whatever, just keep an eye on him. It sounds childish, I know believe me, but it's best to see what's his life actually like behind closed doors." She said as she faced Karma, placing her hand on his shoulder and gave a sad smile. "We may not be the best help, but it'll be any help for you and Nagi." She said as the others gathered around her, smiling and nodding their head.

Karma looked surprised yet he blinked and gave a smirk. "This is why you guys are my favorite class throughout Kunigaoka Jr. High. Thanks, I'll tell you when I need help." He said as the others cheered and yelled in happiness, giving one another's high fives and smiles.

In the further distance, Lovro was still taking with Irina, who she is still angry. "Sir, he's just a child-" "Well, he's a grown up now Irina, and he can take care of himself." Irina looked at him, even more mad before she calmed down a bit. "I know that, it's just, he made a promised with the octopus." Lovro raised a brow as he waited, edging Irina to go on. "Kurasama told me that he needs to keep it as well. And, that, he promises to never become an assassin. Even under Kurasama's watch, I still can't believe he went for the kill, literally." Irina mumbled as Lovro's eyes widened in shock, realization dawning on him as he groaned.

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