Chapter Ten

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"Ronnie." I sighed his name as I slowly sank onto him, our fingers laced together as I started rocking on him. I watched as he closed his eyes, his head thrown back further into the pillows, his breathing heavy.

"You feel so good, princess." He looked at me and I smiled, the name he had for me finally growing on me. "I love you." He cupped my cheek and ran his thumb over my bottom lip.

I kissed his thumb and tipped my head back, basking in the feeling of being with him again. It never got old, it was never the same. It always felt like the first time with him, every time. He knew just how to play my body, where to touch and kiss to set me on fire.

I looked at him and his eyes were dark, pooling with desire. I knew he wanted more, but I wanted to savor him, to have it last this time. We never took our time, always hungry for the other. I knew it was just a matter of time before he took over, he always loves to have control, so for right now, I was doing what I wanted.

I picked up the pace a little, whispering his name as his fingers slipped over my sensitive nipples, hardening even more from his touch. He suddenly sat up and wrapped his arms securely around me as we moved in time together, kissing each other wildly.

I knew we were both close, I could feel the throbbing and the way his fingers dig into my skin, was a definate indicator he was close too. "Ry. Come on baby. Cum for me. God, you're so wet baby. Come on." He coaxed as he hit my spot over and over. I buried my face in his neck and screamed his name as we both feel apart together.

We sat there, for I don't know how long, just holding each other, neither of us wanting to move. His hands running up and down my back, him whispering over and over how much he loves me, how sorry he was about everything. I held him tighter when he tried to pull away and look at me, I needed to hold him close, just for a while longer.

"Ry, baby, look at me." I took a deep breath and lifted my head. "I don't want the divorce. I want to be with you, always. I want our family together." He kissed me tenderly. "Can we call it off, completely?"

I knew, in that moment, well maybe I always knew, that there was no way I was letting him go. Ever. I would be a fool if I did. Even though we had our issues, our love brought us back together. "I don't want it either. I love you so much, Ronnie. We'll call it off, I'll make calls tomorrow." He smiled and easily flipped me over as he kissed me again.

His eyes widened as his hand moved over my stomach. I felt the baby start kicking, something he hasn't felt before and smiled at him. "That's the baby?" I nodded and he closed his eyes, moving his hand every time she moved, following her around. "That's amazing." He leaned down and placed kisses all along my stomach, talking to her, telling her that he loves her. It was the most precious moment of my life so far and my eyes filled with tears. This was what I had wanted from the moment I found out I was pregnant, him running his hands all over my stomach, abosulty in love with our baby. I wiped away a tear as he looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just.... this is what I wanted." He smiled and kissed me again, lingering at a little longer this time.

"We haven't talked about names, princess. Have you got any ideas?" I nodded and smiled.

"Mila. Mila Hope Radke." His face broke into a smile and I knew he liked it. He nodded.

"Hmmm.. That's perfect, baby. Just like you." I shook my head and yawned, stretching my arms above my head.

"You're tired, baby. Come here. You need to get some sleep." He rolled over and I curled into his side, laying my head on his chest. I wanted to fight it. I didn't want to go to sleep, I wanted to live in this moment for a little while longer. But with his fingers gently sliding over my skin and him lightly singing to me, sleep finally overtook me.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next month and a half went surprisingly fast. We finally finished the nursery, Ronnie and the guys painting the room and putting the furniture together. I washed and put all her clothes away, hanging some up on the tiniest little hangers I had ever seen. It looked beautiful. The walls were painted a light laverndor and yellow to match the butterflies. It was just how I pictured it in my head.

Ronnie and Michael were currently at the studio working on Michael's new record and I had just sat down to watch a movie. I knew it would be a late night for them, they had a lot of amazing ideas and they both tended to get carried away. I didn't mind though, I loved seeing him so excited about his work.

I laughed at something on the television, when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I didn't think anything of it as I continued watching. I got up to take my cup to the kitchen. I got a cup of water and took a sip. I gasped as I felt liquid gushing from me. I looked down and knew that my water just broke. I tried not to panic and called Ronnie. He answered right away and told me he would be home right away.

He was there ten minutes later, picking me up and carrying me to the car. He made good time to the hospital, all the while making sure I was alright. I could tell he was worried, the wrinkle between his brows standing out. He helped me out and rushed me in, screaming that he needed someone, that I was having a baby. The nurses smiled at how caring and loving he was with me.

It didn't take long at all. Before we knew it, our baby girl was laying in my arms, screaming as babies do. But the way he looked at me, made my heart beat a mile a minute. He looked at me like he was seeing me for the first time, I could see the utter love in his eyes and I had never loved him more.

He sat next to me on the bed, his fingers swiping down Mila's face, his lips finding mine. "You did amazing, princess. She's so beautiful. Just like you."

I smiled and kissed him again. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was abosulty perfect. Dark brown eyes, a head full of dark hair. She already looked like Ronnie and I fell instantly in love with her. We both did. "Thank you."

He looked at me confused but smiled. "For what, princess?"

I looked at our baby and back at him. "For our baby. For being here. For coming back to me." His eyes went soft and turned darker.

"Thank you for letting me. I am so in love with you, Riley." He kissed me again before the nurse needed to take her again. We watched, eagerly as they did what they needed to, his hand gripping mine, I could tell he didn't like being away from her already. It made me so happy to see him that way.

He got up and went to watch as they measured her and dressed her, before handing her to him. I would never forget the look of pure love on his face when he looked at me and smiled his lopsided smile. She started fussing and he kissed her head before handing her to me.

"She's probably hungry." I told him as I she latched on and began feeding right away. He watched, his eyes never leaving her as she feed from me, his hand holding my free one.

"That's so amazing, baby." And he stayed, every moment I was in that hospital, so was he. He didn't leave my side for anything.

In the years that followed, he proved to the be the most amazing husband and father I could have asked for. He continued his music a lot longer than people thought he would and then after that, he was still writing and producing other bands. I had the most amazing life with him. I wouldn't have changed a single thing. Not for anything. He would always be the love of my life and I would be his.

~The End~

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