Just another normal day

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After the event of Reo and Natsume's kidnapping, it's already forgotten by the school and it's just another normal days in Class 1-B. Kids playing, ignore the substitute teacher, Natsume's fangirls everywhere. Mikan is hanging out with Hotaru and the others, but this time Mikan is quieter than before, another side Hotaru is worry about Mikan since Mikan never this quiet

"Mikan" Hotaru called "what's wrong? did something happen?"

Mikan look at Hotaru and suddenly hugged Hotaru "wah! Hotaru worry about me! this is first time!" and with that, Mikan only got hit by Hotaru on the head

"I take that back" Hotaru said, look away from Mikan. Mikan whine about Hotaru being mean to her and Yu, as the Class Representative, trying to cheer Mikan

Mikan having a flash of image, someone stand in front of her and helping her from being bully. That boy also in her dream this morning, a white hair boy with blue eyes. Mikan daze off this time but snapped back to reality when teachers calling their Class students to help prepare the Cultural Fest. Walking to her own Class, Mikan thinking about the boy, she just remember that he is her Childhood Friend and her though flew back about the Class teacher, every Class have their own teacher.... But, how about Special Class? Now, Mikan is dissapoint, she open the Special Class door

"Ah! The Chibi is here!" Tsubasa, the shadow control, said while helping the other prepare about the RPG Aladdin and Magic Lamp that Mikan suggest

"Hello everybody. From today onwards, I will work very hard here..." Mikan said, with no-strength-like voice

"what's the matter with you?" Tsubasa ask, then he changing the topic "You come at the good time, lemme introduce someone to you. Nodacchi!"

"yes? Ah!" Noda/Nodacchi, Special Class's teacher, bump into Mikan and Mikan scream, both of them are falling down. The whole class laugh, because of Noda's clumsy, then they introduce Mikan and Noda. Noda begin to explain his Alice and teching Mikan something

Meanwhile in Dangerous Ability Class. Rei, also known as Persona, and the principal, Kuonji are talking

"He is coming back? When?" Rei ask the principal

"a few days later, or maybe even when the festival" Kuonji said, smiriking. In the room, there only the two of them, no one else, it's just like a secret conversation between them

Outside the room, where Nobara, the Ice Alice, eavesdropping the conversation, widen her eyes as she mutter "'he' is coming back?" And walk off to her own room

-Time skip-

Today is the festival day! Mikan having another dream and because of the dream, she is overslept, running to unknown direction and while thinking another things, about Natsume, she got tripped and fall down, injured herself

"It's an elementary student. Did you fall?" Shuichi, the student council president, ask Mikan and Subaru, Hotaru's brother, heal Mikan's injured "be careful next time." The student council leave and Mikan manage to find her friend, Hotaru and Yu

After a few word fron the student council, the festival begun, everyone go back to their own place, where the event took place, and Mikan also gone to her Genie game

Meanwhile, at the Technology Class's Area

"Ah, dammit, where is that Special Class Area?" a white haired boy mutter, looking at the map. Then, he rid the map and tossed it to the trash bin. "Whatever, as long as there a road, there always a way there" the boy walk off. He didn't wear the school uniform, cause he never wear and since the Principal agree, no one bother him about that

Back to Mikan place

Special Class's game become interesting and many people come and play, even some already lose, still come back to play

"Show me the lamp" Natsume, the Fire Alice, demand, but instead get the Shadow Control's lamp, he got Mikan's lamp. The mind reader Alice, Kokoroyomi, reason that Natsume want Mikan's lamp not Tsubasa. Now, Mikan become Natsume's slave for one week

As when Mikan, Natsume and Ruka going to Technology Area, this white haired boy saw Natsume and Ruka, since Mikan running toward a big robot, the boy didn't saw Mikan

'Natsume?' the boy though and look away, walking to other place. He and Natsume like a rival, and he got lost again "Damn this ground" he cursed, even though he is at fault. And he wonder, skipping many Class's event. The next things he does is... Going to his own room

Mikan busy doing her things, like visiting her friend's Class, participate at a Drama, and the other things else

Alice Festival : 4th Day, the Last Day

everyone was busy gossiping, saying things like the last dance is your soulmate or somethings like that. The white hair boy enter the Elementary School Principal room, with there only Rei, Kuonji and he, since everyone at Class

"You've come" Kuonji sai. the boy nodded and glare at Kuonji

"There's only an organization that killed the clone" the boy said "An Anti-Alice Organization, with a no-name Leader" he report the mission as a tracker the Principal's clone that Yuka, a member of that organization, did to the principal

"Anti-Alice Organization? another infomartion?" Kuonji ask, slighly angry. The boy shake his head. "You are dismiss." With that, the boy leave the room and head back to his room

"An Anti-Alice Organization" Rei repeat "how can he get that information?"

"That's why I used him to these kind of mission, it's suit him anyways" Kuonji said darkl. With that, they going back to work

As soon as the white-haired boy arrive to his room, special star room, he lay on the bed and stare out the window. "What is she doing right now?" he mutter softly, thinking a certain girl from his past. "When can I meet her again?" he ask, with that, he soon fall asleep as the sky darker and darker, soons enough fireworks are released, filling the dark sky with it's colorful sparkle

And again, The Alice Festival End

Finally~ another chapter~ sorry if it had some wrong grammer, I'm just a beginner. Hope you enjoy my story!

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