Christmas event

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I'm sorry!!! I unnoticely deleted a part of the story >_<

I'm sorry if it different from before


Christmas is getting near. Teacher already made the group to prepare the Christmas event. There two group, that's decorating group and cake group

Decorating group are a group that the job to decor the room

Cake group are a group that the job to make the cake, a giant cake

It's seems Mikan got Cake group. Mikan is happy because she got the same group as her friend. There's only a person that didn't get excited with the event

That person is Shian

Shian is sitting at his own seat and staring out the window. When suddenly Mikan approach him

"Shian, what group did you got?" Mikan ask happily, she is very excited about the event.

Shian look at Mikan sadly and didn't answer her. When Mikan getting sad because Shian didn't answer her, she turned around and about to run when Shian finally answer her

"Decorating group" Shian said and look away. Mikan turned back to see Shian and smile

"I'm sure you will find some fun there" Mikan said and run to rejoin her group

"What kind of fun if I didn't got into the same group as you?" Shian mutter it when Mikan already gone

A few days before Christmas

Everyone busy decorating and making the cake. But not to Shian, he just standing at the balcony and watch the student doing their job. It's when he saw someone from Dangerous Ability except Natsume

An Ice ability girl on middle grade, but looks like an elementary grade student.

'Ibaragi Nobara?' Shian though as he saw Nobara standing shyly behind the door to the cake group. 'What is she doing here?'

Shian was about to approach her, but Mikan beats him. Mikan dragged Nobara to the room

Shian sigh and decide to take a walk before going to his room

Outside the building, Shian meet Persona on his way

"Oh? why a student wondering around without helping his group prepare the event?" Persona said directly to Shian

Shian glare at him and ignore him. He walk past Persona but stopped when he remember something

"Oi" Shian called Persona. Persona pissed because the way he called his superior unmannerly

"What do you planning to do with Narumi?" Shian ask. He had saw Persona looking at Narumi strangely, like he wanted to do something bad to Narumi

Persona look at Shian coldly and walked away while saying, "It's non of your business"

Shian glare at the back of Persona with curious look. But, soon he decide to go back to his room without any mood to take a walk around

24th December

Everyone wearing the costume. They are happy, excited. But, not for Shian. Shian refuse to wear the costume and the teachers got tired to force him to wear it.

so, he is here without the costume and wear his usually cloth, standing at the balcony, Looking at the people dance and having fun. He didn't saw Nobara around

'Maybe she isn't coming at all' Shian though, but still it's weird, for Nobara didn't come to the party or him didn't saw Nobara around

Shian turn around and look at the sky. The evening night full of stars

"It's pretty..." Shian mutter at the word. Shian never show this side of his, The kind and caring side. It's been ages that he keep all the emotion away

"You should give up on her" a voice suddenly said. Shian ignore the voice at first but replied the voice in the end

"Shut up, Shion" Shian said, he startedto enter the ballroom. But, before he leave the balcony, he glance for the last time at the stars

Time skip

It's already the end of the event, Shian didn't saw any sign of Mikan.

Shian heard noise behind the bushes, so he decide to take a look at it

When he open the bushes, he widen his eyes. Why? because an event that he didn't wanted happen in front of him

Mikan and Natsume are kissing. Shian stare at them for awhile and gritten his teeth. He run to the forest, that behind the two student with lightning speed

Natsume and Mikan heard running voice, they pushed away. Natsume stand and look around, he didn't found anyone. The party is pretty far from them, no one around the bushes

Natsume and Mikan though it's just their imagine


Shian running to the forest. Deeper and deeper, he didn't care if he got cut by the tree's brench. Shian got a lot of brush on his face

He keep running until he saw a big beautiful lake. Walking toward the lake, Shian show tears and it's rolled down to his cheek

Shian went to see his reflection, but instead of his reflection, he saw someone like him but the reflection didn't show tears. It's the reflection of Shion, the person inside Shian, his another personality

"She hurted you, Shian. I didn't like you hurted. Give up on her" Shion said to Shian trough the reflection

"No! I can't... I just can't.... I love her so much!" Shian yell at his another personality

"But, you are hurted because of her. Just forget her" Shion tried to make Shian forget about Mikan

"Shion, I told you, I love her, I can't forget her." Shian said again, "She is just the girl I love.... I don't care about the other...."

Shion got pissed and made a plan. "I'm going to take over from now on"

Before Shian got time to complain, Shion already took control of his body

"I won't let you down, Shian" Shion mutter and went off to his room


I'm sorry if it's getting shorter (T_T )

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