Happy new year

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It's been awhile since Christmas, New Year is getting near now. But, there is an event that Shian waited for a long time. A Birthday event of someone

27 December


Mikan is playing with Hotaru and the other like always. Unfortunately, Mikan didn't saw Shian since the preparation of Christmas event, no one know where is he, not even Natsume or Rei

"Ne, Hotaru" Mikan called her best friend

"Hm?" Hotaru look at Mikan with her usual emotionless face

"Do you know where is Shian right now?" Mikan ask

"I didn't know. Didn't met him since the day before Christmas" said Hotaru. Mikan sigh and continue playing, Hotaru sense something weird about Mikan's hyperactive. So, Hotaru decide to ask

"Are you worried?"

Mikan stop with what she is playing and look at Hotaru and sulk

"Actually, I'm worried about him. He always keep a secret by himself and didn't want to burden anyone and he is a worrywart" Mikan said sadly

"Really? He is that kind of person?" Yuu ask, surprise at the fact about Shian

"Yeah, why did you look surprise?" Ask Mikan

"Shian never once worried about anyone. He usually sit and ignore everything around him" Ruka suddenly said. Normally, Ruka didn't want to involve with Shian, but now he also curious about Shian when he once saw Shian helped a little bird from falling

"I guess he started to change..." Mikan once again sulk

"Why are you worried about some guy like him? He is dangerous" Natsume butt in the conversation

"Looks who talking" said Mikan sarcasm. Everyone except Natsume and Hotaru sweat drop at her

Natsume look pissed, but still let it go since what Mikan said also a truth. He is dangerous too

They keep talking, but stopped when they heard noise behind the bushes. Slowly, they walked to the bushes silently

What they saw was something surprising

Shian, sleeping on the grass casually and he looks tired

"Speak of devil and he is come" said Hotaru. Everyone look at her sweat dropped and turned their attention to Shian again

"Shian is sleeping?" Mikan approach the sleeping Shian

"Don't wake him up, he will hit you if you wake him" Ruka said to Mikan

Mikan is very near with Shian's face

'He is cute when he is sleeping' though Mikan, she started poking Shian cheek slowly.

This action of Mikan scare her friend except Hotaru and Natsume

"Mikan, stop poking him" Yuu said. He was in panic and afraid that Shian will hit Mikan

"Don't worry, I will be fine" Mikan smile at them

Suddenly, Mikan stopped poking Shian, no someone hold Mikan's hand and stopped her from poking Shian

The one who hold Mikan's hand is Shian himself

"My, what a dangerous action you doing here, Mi-chan~" Shian said smiling. Somehow, his voice and style of speaking are different from before

"Shian! You finally awake" Mikan said, unaware that Shian is different from before.

"Why are you sleeping here? It isn't nice to sleep outside" continue Mikan

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