Test and Shian

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Mikan is playing at the Shrine alone. When suddenly she felt a light tapped on her shoulder, she turned around to met this blue eyes boy. Mikan smile brightly

"Playing alone? Why not let me join you?" the boy said, he is smiling as he sat beside Mikan. "So, what game did you play?"

"Let's play family!" Mikan said, as the two of them played happily and soon the time pass away quickly

The sky are filled with orange color, the color of Sunset. They watch the sunset together. Silent filled them but it's broke when the boy said

"Did you had fun today?" the boy look at Mikan

"Of course I had fun! I was with you after all!" Mikan said loudly, the boy smile gently

"Really? I'm glad" the boy hugged Mikan all of sudden. "I love you, Mikan" the boy announced, but Mikan see that as a friend love more like brother's love. The two of them laugh, teasing each other, and Mikan's grandfather suddenly come yelling about how late they are. Mikan and the boy look each other and start running, playing cat and mouse with Mikan's grandfather

The boy took Mikan's hand when they running and whisper something to Mikan's ear

"I love you"

Mikan wake up from her dream, as she mutter softly. "That dream again...' Mikan get off her bed and prepare to go to school

The Class was quiet as Narumi enter the room and announced something bad

"First semester exams begin next week!" Narumi announce with all-happy face, as all the room doomed, making horrible face like when they are going to enter the beginning of hell. A lot of teacher going to explain again the rule

No Alice, No Cheating. It's the same like always, the cheat one will be penalized. But, it had effect to student star and the excellent student race. The student with the highest score will become a candidate for the best student award that contain

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Mikan begin to day-dream about visiting her grandfather. "I'm going to work hard right now!" Mikan said excited. Mikan, Ruka and Yu study together

"If there something you don't understand, ask me okay?" Yu said. Then Ruka complain about why he is study with them, even Hotaru turned down Mikan's invitation

"What is 2 1/4 + 3/6?" "Write "Exam" in kanji" "... In year 1192..." a lot of question being ask, but none of them Mikan can answer. When Mikan look at Natsume, she begin to cry and complain to Ruka about Natsume say her an idiot through his eyes

"You can tell me his eyes said it all... But.." Ruka said, sweat drop at Mikan complaining about Natsume

Mikan begin to study again with Ruka and Yu. She even reject some classmate that invite her play dodgeball

Special Class

"You want to rank high on the test, huh?" Tsubasa said, eating snack "Well, it best to Dream big, so I won't say you can't"

"Um, of course if there anything I can help with, I don't mind looking over your work" Noda said, wanted to help Mikan but... he already experience about Mikan's study

In the end, Tsubasa giving Mikan a hand, telling her to learn from different person and their's speciality. Mikan go to Yu about Mathematic and English, and Hotaru at night. Somehow, Mikan's effection toward study become an example to the whole class, as all of them start studying, heck even Natsume also teaching his so-called gang

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