Hop, hop and jump!

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Today, the Dangerous Ability Class had a meeting, but there is someone skipping the meeting, that is 'him', Shian. Shian is walking around the school, didn't mind the meeting. On his way to class, Shian meet Mikan and her friend, Hotaru and Yu. Judging by Mikan's depression, Mikan got not a good grade at the test

Shian walk toward Mikan and smile, "Ohaiyo, Mi-chan. How do you do, today?"

Mikan look at Shian with confuse face. "'Mi-chan'?" She ask

"That's your nickname. It's suit you." Shian said to Mikan

After hearing this, Mikan blush and look away. Hotaru glance at Mikan and then to Shian, "Didn't the Dangerous Ability Class has a meeting today?"

"And?" Shian said boredly, "It has nothing to do with me, I do what I want and I am free to do it. I am not the Principal's pet"

"Shian-kun, where is Natsume?" Mikan ask, after her blush got off her face

Shian think for awhile and finally give Mikan an answer, "Natsume... I think he is on the meeting." Shian continue, "Oh, looks like it's already finish." Shian said that after he saw Natsume walking to the class

Mikan look at Natsume's place and greet him, "Natsume! Ohaiyo!"

Natsume glance at Mikan, and walk past her. Natsume stop beside Shian, and whisper something, "Persona is looking for you." And he enter the room with Ruka

Shian though for awhile 'Persona? Why is he looking for me? Ah, maybe because I skip the meeting."

Mikan confuse at Natsume's behavior, "Why is he avoiding me?" In rhe other line, Shian grin satisfied at Persona's word to Natsume, yesterday

Shian smile widely at Mikan and said, "Shall we go, Mi-chan?"

Mikan nodded and follow Shian to the class

The whole day, Natsume didn't talk to Mikan. But still, Natsume once fow awhile peek at Mikan for a second and back to where he focus. Shian, on the other hand sitting like a boss, crossing his legs and rest it on the table, while smirked all day

It's Jinno's lesson, Math

"Alright, Mikan. I want you to answer this question." Jinno said

Mikan protest, "heh?! But I don't know how to do it"

"No whining or I will take your star" Jinno said, merciless

In the end Mikan standing in front, looking at the black broad, where the question are. Jinno is beside her, looking at her

'4(3x + 2y) + 4y' the question that Jinno write on the broad for Mikan to answer it. Mikan look at Jinno, glance at his back and saw Shian smile and show a paper

'12x + 8y + 4y = 12x + 12y' the paper had the answer for the question

Mikan brighten and write down the answer, when she is on the middle of her answer, Jinno throwing something

"Uwah!" Shian yell, falling back down to the hard, cold floor. A white circle mark is visible at Shian's forehead

"Why did you waving around with white paper? Do you planing to give her an answer?" Jinno glare at Shian, that he is currently sit on the floor, rubbing his forehead

Shian stand up and said, "well, that's hurt a lot." Shian sit back at his chair and continue, "to answer your question, nope, i didn't give any answer. Just wanted to play around"

Jinno got annoyed at Shin. "I didn't trust you"

"Trust me or not, it's up to you, i'm just answer your question" Shian said proudly. Jinno decide to it go, since Shian has once argued with Persona before

Time Skip~ after school

"Shian-kun" a voice that's belong to Mikan call her Childhood Friend

Shian look at Mikan and smile, "Mi-chan. What can I help you?"

"Uhmm, that..... Thank you for helping me. Without you, I can't answer Jin-Jin's question" Mikan thanking Shian

'Jinno had a nickname from Mikan, huh?' Shian though, he shook his head lightly and repleid Mikan, "It's okay, I'm just wanted to help you at all." Shian smile widely. Shian look at the clock and face Mikan, "Persona is looking for me. So, excuse me"

Shian open the window, "Hop, hop, jump~" Shian said, jumping off the window, and land gracefully. Mikan and the class rush to the window and saw Shian already on the ground

Elementary School Principal Office~

"Konnichiwa~" Shian said happily while opening the door

"Shian, you have come" Persona, the one who is looking for Shian greet

Shian close the door and smirked, leaning back to the wall beside the door, "Something wrong? Good if you do. Because, I don't want to help you at all."

Persona look at Shian, Nobara beside Persona also looking at Shian. "Sharp as ever" Kuonji, the principal, said.

Shian said "I'm going back to dorm" Shian open the door and continue, "Whatever you do, it's always boring."

Shian leave the room and go to his own room

"Hop, hop, jumpy jump~" Shian humming a little while going back to his room

That's it for Chapter 4. Sorry, slow update. Enjoy~

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