Chapter 20

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"We're here!!" Oliver called as they walked unto his house.

"And we brought italy." Al smirked at Italy. England stood and smirked. Al pulled Italy close and tilted his head up. "i can see why you want him. he' cute." Italy blushed and shook more.

"Can you let go of my love now? you can play woth him later, as promised." England grabbed Italy and pulled close "i missed you love. we were cut short again last time..and i still have to punish you for running." England smrked. Italy shook and started to cry and shook more.

Al grabbed italy and hugged gim to his chest. "look ar what you did you made him cry." Al kissed Italys head smirking at england.

"P-please let me go.." Italy cried. al sighed still smirking.

"Im sorry italy but i cant do that, but i can make sure england and oliver dont touch you." Italy looked up at al.

"Italy he's lying to you." Enland pulled Italy close and glarred at Al and gripped Italys arm.

"Ow..e-england..t-that hurts.." Enland looked at iaky an took him to another room.

Al sighed "well i can play with him later."

England pushed Italy against the wall "i dont care if.." England looked Italy in the eyes and saw the fear in imItalys eyes. England let go of Italy. "Come on sit down." England sat on the bed. Italy slowly walked over shaking and sat down leaving a space between them. "Italy you dont need to be so afraid." Enland wrapped his arm around Italys waist and felt him tense up. "Italy come on everything's ok..if u want just close your eyes and think of germany and then we'll both enjoy it.." England kissed Italys neck and pulled him close and whispered "close your eyes.."

Al scoffed "wow you suck at this." England looked at Al and stood.

"Then show me what you would do." Al smirked.


(i would just like to say not to confuse anyone that by Al i mean Alen as in americas 2p!. sorry for any confusion.)

Just another love story (germany x italy)Where stories live. Discover now