Chapter 31

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Germany drove to Prussias house and knocked on his door.

"West!" Prussia smiled at Germany.

Germany sighed 'So loud...' "Hi bruder. I was wondering if we could talk."

"Sure!" Prussia moved out of the way. Germany walked in and sat down.

"I'm going to....propose to Italy." Germany had a very light blush.

"West!! That's awesome! But not as awesome as me." Prussia smiled.

"I'm just worried he wont say yes.."

"Does Italy look at anyone else the way he looks at you?" Germany tought and nodded no. "Does Italy act more lovey dovey towards you than 'pretty girls'?"

"Well yes but Italy doesn't flirt with girls anymore." Prussia smiled more.

"Bruder he loves you. I know your just nervouse but Italy loves you and he'll say yes. Anyways do you have a ring yet?"

"Nein I was going to go get it now. But how should I was him...."

"Do you think he can go out. Maybe to a dinner?" Prussia had a small smile.

"I think so." Germany smiled.

"Just give him some more time to get himself together and I'm sure he'll say yes."

"Thank you Bruder." Germany stood.

"Bye. I'm awesome!" Prussia yelled before Germany closed the door. Germany got in his car and smiled.

"I hope Italys ok..." Germany grabbed his phone and called Italy while still in park. The phone rang twice before someone picked up.

"What do you want bastard?!" Romano said angerly.

"I would like you to not answer my phone like that." Germany sighed. "Anyways how's Italy can I talk to him?"

"Hey idiota the potato bastard wants to talk to you!" After a few seconds of silence Italy picked up the phone.

"Germany?" Germany could practically hear the smile in Italys voice.

"Hi mein leibe. Is everything ok?"

"Si everythings ok I just want you home." Germany smiled and could hear Romano yell in the backround.

"What you don't like me?!"

"Just a few more hours and I'll be home. Ich leibe dich." Germany smiled more.

"Ti amo."

"I'll call again when I'm coming home."

"Ok." Italy smiled


"Bye." Italy said happily. Germany hung up and sighed. "Ok I can do this." Germany started to drive.

----time skip cause picking out rings is hard-----------

Germany was in his car driving back and had the ring in a blue velvet box in his pocket.

Germany soon got home and opened the door. "Italy?"

Romano saw Germany and growled. "Finally. Bye idiota!" Romano walked past Germany and left. Italy ran up to Germany and hugged him. Germany smiled and hugged back petting Italys hair.

"I missed you." Italy nuzzled close.

"I missed you too." Germany smiled and walked over to the couch and sat down pulling Italy onto his lap. Italy blushed furiously but nuzzled close.

"Was Romano mean to you your being really cuddly." Germant held Italy close.

"No I promise I'm fine. I just want to be close to you." Italy kissed Germanys cheek gently. Germany smiled and kissed Italys forehead and held him close.

' His skin is so soft....and he always smells so nice...' Germany nuzzled his face in Italys neck holding him close.

Italy blushed and smiled. Italy rubbed Germanys back.

"Germany want pasta?"

"Nein...can we just stay like this?"

Italy had a light blush "Si." Italy nuzzled close to Germany.

After a few minutes Germany pulled away and gave Italy a very soft and very quick kiss.

"I love you so much Italy." Germany smiled.

Italy blushed and slowly leaned in and kisses Germang gently. Germany kissed back.

Italy soon pulled away blushing and smiled. "I love you too."

"Can I still have that pasta?"

Just another love story (germany x italy)Where stories live. Discover now