Chapter 29

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It was about two weeks sence the 'incedent' and Italy was doing better.

"Hey Italy?" Germany and Italy were cuddling on the couch.

"Si?" Italy looked at Germany.

"Ich leibe dich."

"What does that mean?" Italy asked curiously.

"It means I love you in german." Germany smiled.

Italy smiled and kissed Germanys cheek. "Ti amo....thats I love you in italian."

Germany smiled and kissed Italy gently an held him close.

They soon pulled away and Italy had a light blush.

"Im going to make dinner you stay here." Germany kissed Italys head and got up and walked to the kitchen.

Italy sighed and leaned on the couch. Germany started to make pasta and felt two arms wrap around him. He turned and smiled.

"Hi Italy." Germany held Italy close and petted his hair. Italy nuzzled close."whats up?"

"Nothing I just wanted to hug you." Italy had a small smile.

"Pasta almost ready leibe." Germany smiled. Italy nodded and sat down at the kitchen table. Germany strained the pasta and put it in two bowles.

Germany handed Italy his pasta. Italy smiled.

"Grazi Germany." Italy started eating. Germany sat next to Italy and ate.

Italy soon finished eating and put his dishes in the dish washer. Italy walked over to Germany and leaned over and kissed him. Germany blushed a little and his eyes widened. Italy soon pulled away.

"I love you Germany. I love you so much."

"I love you to Italy." Germany smiled and Italy walked away. 'Im going to marry him......I'll get a ring tomorrow...' Germany put his dishes in the dish washer.

"Hey Italy?"


"I have to do somethings tomorrow so can you can Romano come over?..."

Italy smiled "Si I've missed him it would be nice to see him." Germany smiled and nodded.

"Come on lets go to bed Italy." Germany held Italys hand and led him upstairs. 'I cant wait to marry him...I just hope he says yes.'

Just another love story (germany x italy)Where stories live. Discover now