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namjoon left pretty soon after that, leaving the box of donuts for jimin to finish off.

the next morning, namjoon walked his usual route to jimins room, cup of coffee in hand.

just like always, he gave jimins door a few knocks.

there was no answer.

so he knocked again.

no answer.

namjoon, confused, asked aloud,


after awhile there was a muffled answer,

".. go away..."

namjoon didnt hesitate to open the door.

he was met with a curled up ball on jimins bed.

"jimin.. whats wrong?..", namjoon tried.

suddenly jimin erupted from his covers

"whats wrong!? you! you are!", jimin exclaimed, eyes red and cheeks puffy.

namjoon was taken aback. he recalculated every step hes taken since he met jimin, looking for something he might have done wrong or to upset jimin.

"what are you talking about, jimin? please calm down", namjoon reasoned, slowly coming closer.

"no! stop, dont come closer!", jimin said angrily, "you gave me hope, made me think that i actually had a chance to get better. giving me food, doing stupid tricks, you're just distracting me from the fact that i'm never going to get better, right?"

"what? no, no-", namjoon tried, but jimin interupted,

"you think you can just trick me with sweet words, well you cant. just leave... leave!".

namjoon wanted to correct him, tell him he was wrong, but he knew jimin was too angry right now, he'd just worsen the situation.

so, he did what he thought was best.

he walked out of jimins room, leaving them both in a circle of thoughts.

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