chapter thirty six

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"Yuta!" Sicheng's soft voice called to him, and Yuta ran into the room as quickly as he could.

"Yes, my baby?"

Sicheng, blushing, yelled, "D-Did you bring Lucas over here last night?" Sicheng asked him, looking at their bed.

"Uh..." Yuta sighed. "Maybe? Is it bad?"

"Bad?" Sicheng laughed. "Yuta, the sheets are soaked."

Yuta shrugged, "Maybe you wet the bed."

Sicheng smacked him gently. "Y-Yuta!"

"What? I know how my baby is."

"You're acting as if I'm a little,"

"You're not?" Yuta joked, and Sicheng just frowned, crossing his arms.

"Who's my daddy, then?"

"Me," Yuta joked back.

Sicheng sighed. "Anyway, I'm not a little, and I don't wet the bed! Yukhei, on the other hand, might." 


"Don't tell me that's your-"


"Yuta, that's nasty!" Sicheng yelled, laughing.

"Well," Yuta shrugged. "Life is short, right?"


"And you're short, so that means you're my life!" Yuta beamed.

"Yuta, you're shorter than me."

Yuta looked at him. "O-Oh well!"

Sicheng just laughed again, wondering how he even got into this mess where he loved this man.

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