chapter fifty five

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Whence Sicheng awoke, Yuta was hovering over his phone, scrolling through the notifications he had gotten throughout the night.

"W-What...?" Sicheng muttered, tired.

Yuta, taken aback, swore under his breath before regaining his posture. "Nothing, baby bear, it's fine. I was just checking something." His voice went quiet towards the end, but Siceng didn't necessarily care, it was three in the morning and he was tired.

"Do you even know my password?" Sicheng mumbled, laughing slightly and hoping that Yuta could hear him through the thick blanket he had thrown randomly over his head.

Yuta paused. "Uh..." He pressed the home button and stared at the grey numbers glaring back at him. He didn't even know where to start. "...No?" He mumbled, turning the phone off and climbing back into the shared bed.

Sicheng turned and tossed, trying to get comfortable in the limited space Yuta offered him. "What was that about, anyway?" Sicheng mumbled, looking at the ceiling once he concluded that he would not be going to sleep anytime soon.

"I was just checking whether Yukhei had texted you, although he's moved he's still bitter. Please don't worry, though."

Sicheng sighed before hugging Yuta tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you more." 

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