Gripping Melodies

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   I hugged my guitar case against me as I trudged through the snow towards the only warm glow of light at this early time.

  I began to adjust the belongings in my crowded hands to reach for the metal handle of the coffee shop but it swung open, releasing warmth into the cold air.  In the small doorframe stood Rosa, apron on and ready to serve at the early hours of the morning.

"A little early now aren't we, Miss Chase?" Rosa joked with her warm grin slowly spreading across her cheeks.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed inside, does it?" I questioned, the cold air still whipping around me.

  Rosa's eyes quickly widened and she stepped aside to allow me inside. She cared so much for me, like a mother. Which of course I considered her as, even though she was just "The Spill's coffee shop owner" to everyone else.

"Much better," I sighed as I let the heat of the little cafe surround me. I shed off my multiple layers of coats and scarves onto the hangers and turned around to face Rosa who was once again smiling with her worry for me out of the way.

"Much. Now what will the great Ella Chase be performing today?" She questioned, a hint of sarcasm visible in her voice,

"I thought I would pull out an old one today: I Won't Give Up."

"Mmh, great choice. Piano or guitar?" Rosa asked as she walked behind the counter to continue foaming a coffee. I looked around the cozy, dimmly lit shop, glancing at the few regulars that were often here in the wee hours before work.

"Guitar. I just learned the notes a few days ago, I'm excited to try it out.  In fact, I think you'll have to be stuck with me for quite a while. I want a lot of feed back." I said with a slight wink.

"Such a shame. You get to be a pain.." She joked playfully as she continued bustling around, delivering drinks to the growing amount of customers.

With that I walked over to the small black stage in the far corner of the room. On it it stood an amazingly small set of tarnished drums, yet a large, black grand piano.  I pulled a wooden stool and microphone stand out from behind the drums and posistioned them on the stages small remaining space. Out of routine, I plugged in all the correct wires and adjusted my guitar strap to my liking before finally sitting down.

I tapped the mic and cleared my throat, gaining the attention of the small amount of people in the room.

"Today I will be singing an acoustic- well, I mean everything I perform is acoustic. Actually, come to think of it, I've never not performed-"

"Hun, we've got it. Now sing already!" Rosa called out in anticipation, stopping my god-awful rambling.

Blush flooded my cheeks as I realised I did it again. "Right then. This is an old one- I Won't Give Up, by Jason Mraz."

I started strumming the chords with a light melody.  Slowly my voice drifted in, rough yet sweet. I looked up at the people giving approving nods, and I started to smile. Everyone else copied my action and it encouraged me greatly. So I closed my eyes and just let go, belting out the lyrics, letting the notes fly through the air.

"I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up."

I finished with my voice drowning out from the last powerful chorus. The air hung silent for a second, everyone, including me, still caught in the moment. The perfect moment that I experienced everytime i performed.

Suddenly claps and cheers broke out among the couple of customers, warming my heart. I smiled greatfully and waved before stepping off stage. 

"Magical. That's my feedback. Now here's your 'rejuvination'," Rosa said as she approached me from the side of the stage.

I climbed off, gladly accepting the hot tea. I watched everyone go back into their own personal world, sipping their hot drinks and reading.  I turned to Rosa and smiled. "Thank you. Now, shoo, I've got some 'rehearsing' to do!" I laughed as I waved her off.

Once she turned aroung with a huge grin, I settled down on the steps of the stage.  I took a little sips from the scalding hot tea until it disappeared.  I tossed the cup and sat down on the edge of the stage with my guitar, starting to sing once again.  I was just warming up, not performing to any one at all, but still I lost myself in the music.

I let my voice fly free without a care, eyes closed and everything. I sighed and looked up, only to see a man in his early 30's, yet still quite attractive, staring at me. He had curly brown hair that swept across his face and deep, sorrow filled green eyes that quickly flickered to the floor.

"Can I help you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry to stare. You just remind me of someone..." His voice sank as he looked me in the eyes once again with a pained expression.

"Who?" I asked not even bothering to use my manners. I was raised properly and knew full well to stay out of peoples business, but this man intruiged me. I knew he had something to say. And I have a feeling he hasn't said it yet.

"Oh no one...It's quite a long story.." He said, his voice once again drifting off. He too had manners, implying that I didn't want to listen to whatever it is he wanted to say. But I could tell that he needed to tell someone, because sooner or later it would come out, and I'm not quite sure if it is something he would want just anyone to hear.

I smiled sweetly at him to show him I didn't bite. "Well I've got time."

He hesitated at first but then half-smiled back and took a seat next to me, his long legs brushing the ground from the stage.

"Her name was Sarah..."

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