Chapter 5- First Date

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  Ok.... so I feel HORRIBLE: Reasons 1) I haven't uploaded in forever  2) I am so lazy 3) the story is boring so far. and kind of confusing. (p.s. tell me if you are confused at all!) 

So in my guilt I am trying to upload a lot. But it isn't working out too well so far.... OOPS!  Anyways here is the new chapter, please give me feedback I love you all and have a great day!



Sarah's POV

  I toyed nervously with the edge of my dress as I glanced around the resturaunt frantically.  Right now my nerves were completely controlling me, making me shake and letting my head become paranoid with all the worst scenarios that could happen tonight.  This is a moment when I question why I even said yes to him.

  When I had seen Harry yet again that day,  Rosa gave him my number once I had quickly left. This allowed him to text me just hours later asking me if I would be interested in talking some more over dinner.  For some stupid reason, once Harry texted me, my stomach did little flips and it felt like Niagra Falls was inside of my head.  I knew what he meant and in a burst of the moment I said yes.  When I agreed to this date though, I didn't even take in any of the horrible possibilties, like me crawling inside of my shell and becoming mute for the whole date.  I realise that I was brave when I saw Harry for the second time, but I have my doubts and know that my shy self won't remain like that, escpecially around a famous pop star I barely know.

  Yet here I am waiting in a high-class resturaunt for my date, Harry Styles, to arrive. 

  I start to chew the skin on my bottom lip.  This is not a good habit of mine because it makes my lips bleed and crack, causing horrible scars. Biting my lip isn't even seductive in the smallest way like it is for others. So I stop and feverishly reach for one of the bread rolls on the table. 

  As I naw on the warm bread,  I see Harry walk in.  My breath cathes when he spots me and begins to stroll over.  He's wearing a button-up shirt and slacks, with black sunglasses still framing his face even though he is inside... at night. I almost question this but I remember his fame and keep my mouth shut.

  I drop the bread and stand up quickly not quite sure how to act around a celebrity in a 5 star resturaunt.  He removes his sunglasses as he reaches the table and laughs at me.

  "I'm not the queen, no need to stand."  He chuckles. My eyes widen and I blush. I start to fumble around and finally manage to sit down properly.

  "Sorry... I um.... Hi." I manage to get out.  Obviously I wasn't going to posess the miracle charm I had on our other short encounters. This should be fun.

  "You know, stuttering doesn't make you sound the least bit nervous," he said mockingly.

  Although he was still smiling I pressed my forehead into my palm as my face lit up with blush.

  "Oh god.... Ok. So here's the deal," I state slowly as I lift my head, "I am really actually nervous and shy and not all that flirlty.  When I talked to you the other day I think I was under the influence because I can't talk to a random attractive guy like that to save my life.  But I did and now I am on a date with you rambling on about how stupid and shy I am. Oh gosh, I haven't even dated anyone unless I've known them for at least 5 months!  Harry honeslty I think you are a miracle case..." I trail off with my awfully loud rambling and shake my head. I should probably leave now.

  Even though I just massivley embarassed myself, Harry just chuckled, helping me relax slightly.

  "So you think I'm attractive?" he raised one eyebrow. 

  My eyes widen and I stare at him. "Is that ALL you gathered?"

  "That was a yes or no question." He stated simply, obviously wanting to know if I found him attractive.

  "Well yes!  I mean no... or yes? God it's awkward either way, I barley know you!"  even though I stuttered a lot I was soon laughing at myself, as was Harry.

  I smiled at Harry who was still chuckling.  I had sat here moments ago rambling but he made me less tense and now I was laughing, all without having to come up with a witty response to anything.

  Harry's laugh fades out as he looks to the oncoming waiter with a big grin.  So as he orders our drinks and appetizers, I can't help but feel like Harry is good for me.  He makes me feel different and be different. Become someone I'd rather be.  And he does this all while making me laugh and enjoy the moment. 

  "Sarah, what would you like to drink?"  He says politley breaking me out of my thoughts.

  "Earl Grey," I say, addressing the waiter.

  Harry looks at me oddly. "Earl Grey? So strange..." he says sacastically with a smirk.

  I shake my head playfully hit his shoulder.  I look down at my now relaxed hands and smile.  I think Harry is going to be good for me.

  I know he will.



Ella's POV

  "And that was our first date..."  the man, I mean Harry I assume, told me.

  I smiled gently at him as my head rested in my hands.  I was absolutley intruiged by his story so far.

  "That's amazing." I said. I hope he saw in my eyes that I was being genuine.  "By the way my name is Ella," I extend my hand, realizing I had not introduced myself yet.

  He tenatively shook my hand and smiled.


  "Well I gathered that," I rolled my eyes and continued, "So is that your happy little story?" I ask him, almost sad that his story might be done.

  He quickly shook his head. "No. That is just the beginning.  Much more happens. Trust me."

  He looked down at the floor beneath us.

  "You know, not once have I ever found the beginning of a story to be the most important part. That's what everyone else says. But I find the ending the most impotant. It always is for me at least."

  I looked at him not quite expecting this. I wanted to hear more though so I spoke. "I agree. So what's this story's ending?"

  He looked up but avoided eye contact. "Trust me. It's the most important part.  It's just not the happiest."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2012 ⏰

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