Chapter 2- Letting Go

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I shuffled through the snow, letting the occasional flake fly onto my face.  I shivered and shoved my hands deeper into my pockets, trying to perserve all the warmth I had.  So much for a thought-clearing stroll.More like a bone-chilling walk...

  In the distance I could see a glow from an open shop.  Seeing as though I had walked quite a ways and was freezing cold, I decided that was my destination. So I pulled my feet foward, finally reaching the entrance.  Through the white flurries I could see the cafe's sign. In a fancy white lettering it read: "The Spill".


I am not going in. No way... I can't. I... I... don't want to. Too many emotional barriers stood in my way and despite all this time I'm not ready. Just glancing at the sign hurt. 

But it's cold..  my inner self argued with me.  It truely was cold, and if I tried hard enough, I would be able to look at the painfully recognizable place as a simple warm, safe haven that serves delicioius coffee.

With this, I surged my confidence, put an emotional mask on, and stepped into the shop.  Instantly I was proud of my decision when I felt the engulfing heat. But then I opened my eyes and memories came crashing back. Hard. Almost hard enough to brake the walls that held all those tears and rage.

  But somehow I stayed calm.  I focused myself and worked up the nerve to approach the counter where I had stood so many times, repeating the same action.  Who knew ordering a coffee could be so hard...


No ones at the counter... Where's Rosa? Surely she still owns this place. With out thinking I started to look around for a small middle aged woman packed with power.  I tried to stop myself when I felt my eyes wandering, because I knew it would be dangerous. But before I had time to look away I spotted Rosa in the corner smiling towards a young girl around 16 with long blonde hair.

She looked just like her...

Instantly, I started to approach the girl. What the hell am I doing? I should stop right now and run. I should just stop and sprint away not caring if I burst into tears, which I could feel I was so close to doing.  But my feet continued on against my brains will. The only thing that stopped me was when she picked up her guitar and started to sing effortlessly with her feet dangly from the stage.

If I thought seeing this store was hard, seeing this familiar scene made it so much harder.  I could try to turn away and run now. But I didn't.  I could just brake apart in pieces right there. But I didn't.

Instead I just stood there listening to the exact same song. The song she sang.

"Can I help you?" a small voice asked, snapping me out of my dark, slippery trance.

The girl sat there staring at me with large curious green eyes.  The song had ended and she had found her way back to reality. I stood at a loss for words. I need to run. NOW.

But yet again my feet and head didn't cooperate and my mouth was moving before I knew it.

"Oh, I'm sorry to stare. It's just you remind me of someone..." I stopped talking, realising what I just said and admitted to. Surprisingly my voice sounded steady, but I knew I didn't look that way.

"Who?" Came her reply. She looked absolutley intruguied, her eyes sparkling with curiousity. I honestly thought about telling her, but I don't know if I would be physically able to. Plus she's a complete and total stranger...

"Oh no one... It's a long story." Again my mouth moved without my consent or knowledge.  I don't know what was going on but I slowly felt my emotional wall lowering. Not breaking, but lowering as if to let some one in.

"Well I've got time." She said with a kind and inviting smile. Her hair brushed the guitar sitting in her lap the way hers would. The girl patted the spot next to her on the worn black stage, beckoning me over.

I hesitated. I don't even know this girls name but already I feel as if I need to tell her. Really I need to tell anyone, just to get it off my chest, but I was not realising this until just now. Heck 5 minutes ago I could barely stare at a sign that reminded me of any of it, and now I was considering pouring out my heart to a stranger. 

Well if she doesn't know me she can't judge me.

And with that I gave the biggest (which was not big at all) smile I could manage and sat down next to the girl that reminded me so freakishly much of her.

Am I really going to do this? Am I going to tell this young person some story that is quite a bit know? Yes. I am. Because I need to tell someone.

Better late than never.

"Her name was Sarah..."

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