Chapter 4- Decisions

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Hi again! First off I would like to say that I am terrbibly sorry for such a late update it's just that I was on vacation and such.. BUT HERE I AM!! Again thank you guys SO much for all the like/read/comments they all mean the world to me(: And just once again for clarification, when I say *PAST* it is the story Harry is telling. However in the past it will be either Harry or Sarahs view... if that makes sense... And *PRESENT* Is Harry and Ella in the coffee shop when he's not telling the story... if you are confused PLEASE tell me(:  OH and I appologize for such BORIG AND CONFUSING beginning but I promise it will get better just bare with me!

Anyways... 400 READS WAHHOOOO! kk sorry had to get that out now... ENJOY!



Sarah's POV

  I continued my way down the street with a new warmth inside me.  I couldn't belive how I had just acted and conversed with that oddly familiar person. I am not the brave, flirtacious, bold, and witty person I just proved to be to him. It's like I was a whole different person in that coffe shop.

  Yet it was me.  Somehow I had replied to the stranger quickly with a decent amount of humor.  I was strangley a big flirt, something totally opposite from the real me. I am someone who is shy, blushes a little too often, and stays away from any situations involving confrontation.  And to me, those traits don't sound like a big flirt.  I still am not quite sure how I had managed to keep up a conversation with such an intimidatingly attractive person.

    When I saw him, I was immediatley was captured by his dark emerald eyes.  They were widened slightly and staring at me with an uncomfortable intensity.  His hair was also an amazing feat, swooping in loose curls across his forehead.  I was immediatley drawn to the boy and probably would have found myself staring if he wasn't already.  When people stare at me my cheeks will instantly heat up but yet again I surprised myself and spoke first.

I am not quite sure why I did this but I have come to the possible conclusion that I was still on my "stage high" as I liked to put it.  When I perform I evolve into someone with no fears or limtations.  I sing and let raw emotions out that I would not normally express. I let all my heart pour out into my songs whether the audience knew it or not.  When I performed I didn't give a care in the world. Music gave me a costume that hid the real me and let me be whoever I wanted to be with out any one judging. This is my "stage high" and it made me feel powerful. It made me feel bold and brave. It made me feel different.

  So when I found the curly haired boy staring at me, I put the coursing adrenaline in my body to good use and made him feel like the shy one.  Although halfway through the conversation I learned he obviously wasn't shy.  In fact he was a charmer, a flirt, and obviously cheeky, he told me hisself.  But he had admired me, and admiration is something I admire.  So I tried to the best of my ability to keep the game up and I now feel successful with how I left him.

  I shook my head a little in the cold breeze, realizing I once again had gotten lost in my thoughts. I glanced around at my surroundings, making sure they were recongnizable.  Thankfully I hadn't strayed too far and was still on my path home. 

  Once I entered my small 1 room apartment, I instantly collapsed on my couch and sighed.  Times like these are when I wished I lived with someone, like a friend or family member so I could vent my feelings without having them hidden in songs.  But it was my choice to move all the way to London to chase a stupid dream, and it just so happened no one wanted to follow me.  So I was left alone in London with barely any money, no friends, and a personality that certainly wasn't going to get me one.  Thankfully I had found The Spill though.  Rosa accepted me with open arms, and now I made a nice profit from working and performing there.

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