2 // rejection of the straightest degree

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Emily: Hey, Ashley!

(The brown haired girl jumps at the sound of her name and eyes Emily with distaste).

Ashely: Yeah?

Emily: Wanna go see that horror movie that's playing next week? We haven't hung out in a while, bro.

(Ashley visibly pales).

Ashley: Can't, I have... church.

Emily: You're athiest.

Ashley: I've, um, I've seen the light.

Emily: O-kay?

Ashley: Yup.

Emily: Oh wait, damn - It's not because of that rumor, is it?

Ashley: What rumor?

Emily: That I groped Nina's boob when we swapped the music sheets.

Ashely: That's a rumor?

Emily: You really didn't hear?

(Emily shrugs, and Ashley quietly walks away).

Emily: Should've told her I liked it or some shit like that. 

Emily: Stupid Bitch. Who wants to go see Mama with that asshole anyways? 

Emily: Not me.

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