10 // shit son(daughter), you move fast

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New Girl in the Cute Blue Glasses, I learned eventually, had a name. It was Sheryl. She had a part-time job as a clown. Not even kidding a bit. Once a rainbow wig falls from someone's backpack, they're pretty much obligated to explain. Or at least after some badgering, they are.

After touching her boobs some more, I helped her find her way to the main office. I managed to bribe the school secretary into letting me show her around and skip all of the day's classes. 

"So," Sheryl started, looking down our depressingly grey hallway as we headed towards the theater. "What do you do for fun around here?"

"Well, I like to pretend to be straight. And watch TV on my phone during science. Also, there's a cool sushi bar in the next town over that has a ton of stray cats living in the back. I stop by and feed them sometimes."

"Emily, that was a pick-up line. You weren't supposed to actually answer."

"With due time, my friend. Due time..." I smirked, lip crooking upwards in a way that definitely made me look stupid. Why she was flirting with me, I figured was beyond me or some kind of desperation. "You'll get your chance to court me after we see the cats."

With that, I opened the doors to the dark audtiorium. 

I didn't expect her to grab me by the collar, shove her lips onto mine, and slide us into the black space. Whoops.

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