6 // homo your way out of math class

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It was midway through second block when my guidance counselor called my name over the intercom.

"Can you send Emily Donahue down to my office? Don't expect her back."

I happily threw down my math test, and skipped out of the room without a care in the world. There was no way in hell I planned on making that one up.

Once I got to the small office of Mrs. Holsen, I hesitated as my hand hovered over the doorknob. What could she possibly want this time? She'd called me down the week before to scream at me for not applying to more than four colleges so far. Bitch.

Smiling as always, she sat on her obscenely large rolling chair, coffee in hand and a strange twinkle in her puke-green eyes. 

"Emily!" She rushed to her feet and engulfed me in a hug that was startling. Could teachers even do that? I didn't like to be touched. A sigh of relief escaped me as she backed away and sat down. "Take a seat."

"Though I always do appreciate how you manage to get me out of math - what do you want now?" I drawled, rolling my eyes to the ceiling as I sat down on an uncomfortable metal chair across from her. 

She leaned closer, rolling so close to me that I swore I could feel her breath on my face.

"I've heard interesting things lately." Her hot whisper shot coffee breath over my face and I cringed, leaning back with the hopes of never getting that close to her again. Of course, she moved in even more. "I heard from a teacher who heard from a student who heard from another student that you're... a lesbian."

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. 

Throwing my arms up in exasperation, I yelled in the face of Mrs. Holsen:

"SO WHAT IF I'M A LESBIAN? Huh? Did you really have to call me down here to tell me that? Seriously, fucking hell. It is two-thousand-fourteen, bitch. I will lesbian all I damn please. Even if I was super homosexual - why does it matter to you? Back the fuck out of my life, and don't you dare call my mother!"

I took a deep breath, glancing away from her scandalized expression. 

"Shit, sorry Mrs. Holsen. I'm on my period, you know? God, I'm not even gay. Right? I've just kept all this anger inside of me to please my parents and my teachers. I'm sooo sorry for releasing that on you."

She ate up my false apology like a third grader, smiling at me as if I hadn't just called her a stupid bitch. Which was pretty good, considering she went to church with my mom. If anything got back to her, at least it would be that I have anger issues. 

Nina and I crossed paths as I exited her office, and I fought the urge to punch her bitch-ass-face into a wall. I hoped she hadn't heard any of that. Not that I cared, anyways. Her stupid boyfriend, Cooper, waited outside the small glassed-rooms, eyeing me with unease. 

"Don't worry," I hissed at him, watching as he looked to me with a curious expression. "Her left boob was amazing, but a one time thing. Fucker."

It was time to skip the rest of the day and take a trip to McDonalds. 

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