7// taste the heterosexuality in your ramen

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(Once Emily arrives home, her mother is waiting in the kitchen, cooking a pot of Ramen).

Mama Donahue: Oh, Em! You're back!

Emily: That does tend to happen once school is over, you know...

(She drops her backpack on the table).

Mama Donahue: Don't put your bag there! The Ramen is almost finished!

Emily: I love Ramen, but don't you know that it gives me the shits?

Mama Donahue: We share a bathroom, hon. 

Emily: Then why feed it to me?

Mama Donahue: I'm going on a date tonight, so I won't have to use the shitter. 

Emily: I hope you talk that way around your date.

Mama Donahue: I'm going to have to tidy up, Em, I know! This man will be tough to crack. He already has someone else in his life.

(Emily chokes on her spit, begins coughing, and looks to her mom in shock).

Emily: What the...?

Mama Donahue: Oh, get your mind out of the gutter. He's a devout Catholic.

Emily: Woah there, Mom. I knew you couldn't keep yourself away from the dangerous sort.

Mama Donahue: And he's even a doctor!

Emily: Great. Hope he's nice too.

(She moves closer to her mom, a tired smile tugging at her lips as the older woman stabs the Ramen pot with a knife).

Mama Donahue: I met him in church, he's only just moved here a few weeks ago. He was very kind, also recently divorced, I heard. 

Emily: What happened in his last relationship?

(Her mother leans in close to Emily, whispering).

Mama Donahue: His wife went... rogue

Emily: And by that you mean?

Mama Donahue: Lesbian.

Emily: Oh man, that blows.

Mama Donahue: Especially considering his occupation.

Emily: Professional pimp?

Mama Donahue: Conversion therapy!

Emily: What the hell is that?

Mama Donahue: He converts the gays back to normal.

Emily: So... He gives the butch ones long-haired wigs?

Mama Donue: No, silly Em! He makes them go back to liking the opposite sex.

Emily: You do know that it's not a real thing, right?

Mama Donahue: Shush, Em. He's employed by the Lord himself.

Emily: Uh-huh. Did he go to college in heaven to get that degree?

Mama Donahue: Maybe he did!

(Emily grabs her back off of the table, and slowly drifts towards her bedroom).

Emily: As long as he doesn't kill you or anything, I guess. 

(She doesn't want to fight with her mom tonight).

Mama Donahue: There's a reason I keep a bat in the car trunk, honey.

Emily: I'm gonna go throw my bag in my room then, call me when the Ramen's done.

Mama Donahue: I better not catch you watching Brokeback Mountain again.

Emily: That was one time!

Mama Donahue: At the very least, do it when I'm not home!

Emily: Fine! I will! Happy now?

(Without another word, she makes for the stairs).

hold me, sunrise. [little talks spin-off]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin