Part 5 Telling the Truth

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Well, so far for Sophie, her parents have not found out yet about her being like a lion. But yesterday on Sunday, Sophie smelt pancakes from all the way up at the top of the stairs and down the hallway.

Her mom asked how, but Sophie just said she new her mom was making pancakes.

Sophie's parents are getting more and more suspicious.

Finally, one night during dinner, Sophie's mom asked,"Sweetie are you alright? You've been acting strange all week."

"yeah mom, I'm fine," Sophie replies.

"Snowflake," Sophie's dad begins,"if somethings wrong you can always tell us."

They all sat in silence for about five minutes until Sophie couldn't hold it in any longer. So she told her mom and dad about everything. About how she met the lions, how she has lion-like senses, everything.

When she was done, her parents looked shocked, which Sophie had expected, then it turned into a smile. Not a great big happy smile, but a small smile. Which Sophie had not expected.

"Why are you guys smiling. Aren't you worried?"Sophie asked.

"Sophie," her dad begins," we're lion shifters."


~The next day~


Sophie's parents said they'd explain after breakfast the next day for after dinner it was really late. And now. it was time for an explanation.

"Sophie, we can turn into lions." Sophie's dad starts,"We can talk to lions, smell like lions, hear like lions, see like lions, basically we can do everything a lion can do."

"But, most important, we can turn into lions." Sophie's mom says.

"Can you show me how?" Sophie asks.

"Your dad can do the. I'm not a very good coach." Sophie's mom says with a giggle at the end.

"Okay so first close yours. Then, picture a lion. After that, picture yourself turning into a lion. Just think of any lion because no one knows what your lion really looks like." Sophie's dad coaches Sophie.

First, Sophie closes her eyes.

Pictures a lion.

Then pictures herself turning into a lion.

Then Sophie gets this weird feeling inside, and when she opens her eyes, her mother gasps.

"Your gorgeous" She gasps.

Sophie's dad takes a mirror from leaning against a tree,{which he brought out this morning] and shows Sophie how she looks.

She still has her beautiful blue eyes, but she this white lioness.

She's a little bit smaller than a regular lioness. But that was probably because she was still young.

"Try walking around, then try running, then using your claws.' Sophie's dad says breaking the silence.

Sophie takes three steps forward. it felt weird walking on four legs if you've been walking on two for eighteen years. But Sophie got the hang of it really quick.

Next, Sophie tried to run. She fell over whilst running, but her dad said it was okay. Then, Sophie started running again. She got the hang of it. But, she looked back at her dad and ran into a tree.

"What is with me and trees!" Sophie said to herself.

Sophie got up, shook her head, and went back to her dad.

Sophie tried her claws, they didn't come out. She tried again, again, they didn't come out.

Sophie did this about five times until on the fifth try, her claws came out!

Sophie made her claws go in, out, in, out. She did this for about two minutes until her dad said,"Okay, well done. You've learned faster than me." he said with a small laugh at the end,"Now, to turn back, do the same thing backwards. Close your eyes, picture your lion, then picture yourself turning into a lion."

"Oh and just a heads up, you're naked when you turn back."

Sophie's eyes went big. That is when Sophie's mom told her there're clothes hiding in certain trees. So if Sophie runs into the forest and looks, she'll find a pair of clothes. 

Then she can shift.


Hey guys,

sorry for not posting in a long time. I had writer's block.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chap


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