Part 7 Mufaroo

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They all gasp and go, "wow!" at Sophie.

"Sophie, is that you?" Bailey asks

"Yes," Sophie answers while nodding her head up and down.

"Well, this is aMAZING!"

"Yeah, now we can go hunting and playing together without I feeling awkward."

All the lionesses kept rambling on and on about how great this was.

The male lions just stood there dumbfounded.


Sophie's hanging out with her friends at the moonlight pride in lion form.

Just then, there was a loud noise followed by a roar.

"who was that?"Sophie asks

"I don't know but he's not from this pride," Mufasa says starting to get angry and protective.

"I smell something funny," Sophie says getting uneasy.

suddenly this huge male lion with a black mane comes round a corner from behind a bush.

"who are you?" Mufasa asks whilst snarling and showing off his teeth.

"I'm Mufaroo."

"what's your business here."

"I want to join your pride."

"why!" Mufasa asks angrily.

"please, I don't want to fight. I just want to be in a pride. I've asked so many pride's already, they all declined. I promise I won't mate with the lionesses or anything like that unless it's okay with you." Mufaroo begs.

"What are you willing to do to get into this pride?" Mufasa asks curiously.



The moonlight pride is waiting

By the river.

On the other side of the river is Mufaroo.

To get into the pride Mufaroo must complete an obstacle course.

He must swim across the river, which is big and does have crocodiles in it, try to get through a herd of buffalo, climb up a tree and jump down then lastly, take down a full grown zebra.

Mufaroo is waiting on the other side of the river for Mufasa to tell him to begin.

"You may start whenever your ready Mufaroo. Good luck.," Mufasa shouts from across the river.

About five seconds after Mufasa says that Mufaroo is off. He's swimming across the river really fast. The first crocodile approaches and Mufaroo goes under after the crocodile. He finally comes up after a while without the crocodile. Carrying on, three more crocodiles come towards him in a line. He goes under to quickly come up again and land on the first crocodiles head. He jumps to the second one's head, then the third then jumps in the shallows of the water and running out. The crocodiles he just jumped on look kinda dizzy.

Once out the water, he stops to shake his coat before running on.

He runs towards the herd of buffalo which are crowded together. Mufaroo gets past about three before getting by one mother. He flies into the air and lands out of sight in the middle of the herd. There's a lot of bellows and moos before silence. The moonlight pride runs to the back of the buffalo herd just in time to see Mufarroo crawling out.

He gets up, catches his breath the runs for a tree Mufasa showed him. He climbs up falling a bit but getting back up again. He reaches one of the highest branches, gets in a crouch position facing the ground, and then jumps landing perfectly on his feet. He gets up with a limp and then stalks towards a small herd of zebras.

Waiting patiently for a zebra to come near enuff, he pounces on his target and stays on its rump. He slowly makes his to its back. Claws still deep in. Then finally makes it to its neck. After about a minute of struggling, the zebra finally falls to the ground.

Once Mufaroo let's go and the moonlight pride id sure its dead, they run to him to congratulate them except Sophie and Mufasa. Sophie felt something strange for Mufaroo, though, she went and congratulated him. Mufasa follows and the says.

"As alpha of the Moonlight pride, I hereby make you a part of us. Mufaroo. Well done."

Everyone started cheering. Mufaroo was so happy. They all went back to the territory and took a nap. Before Sophie went to sleep she thought. She felt something strange for Mufaroo, but it wasn't something bad. It felt good, though, she couldn't put her finger on what it was.


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in such a long time.

School has just gotten so heck tick.

Thanks for being so patient and not posting mean comments.

Feel free to vote and comment though.


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