Chapter 9 The Witch Doctor

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Sophie had gone home that weekend to visit her parents. She basically lived at the moonlight pride now and Mufaroo and Sophie spent a lot more time together.

It felt good for Sophie to be back in her human form, though she did like her lioness form, she still loved being a human. She had told her mom and dad about what with Mufaroo and her feelings for him and, what he had wished.

"Sophie, are you implying something?" her dad had asked her.

"Yes actually. What if there was some way Mufaroo could become human like me too. He was right in saying we would be better."

Sophie's parents both looked at each other weirdly before turning back to their daughter.

"We know someone who can do that for you, sweetie," her mom began to say."But you have to be absolutely sure this is what you want."

"I think so. But it's more of Mufaroo's decision, "Sophie answers.

"And she's a little bit lost in the head." her dad adds in.

"So you're saying she's human?" Sophie asks

"She's a witch doctor love and her's name Umlingo." Sophie's mom says sounding a bit worried.

(A/N pronounced you'm ling o it's Zulu for magic)

"You mean one of those creepy people who stick bones through their noses?" Sophie asks sounding disgusted.

"No," her dad says with a laugh," She's an actual witch but what we're trying to tell is turning Mufaroo human will come with a catch."

"You see sweetheart," her mom begins," I wasn't always human. I was a lioness and your father was a shifter. We fell in love and went to Umlingo for help. She told us she could turn me human but all her spells came with a catch. We were both too excited to ask for the catch and did it."

"What was the catch?" Sophie asked.

"Your mother could only have one child. We wished for many more and we've tried for many more but nothing happens or they just die inside of her." Sophie's dad replies sounding sad.

'I'll make sure we choose wisely. Thank you" And with that said, Sophie went to find Mufaroo.


It wasn't hard to find Mufaroo lying around in a tree. When he saw me he smiled and jumped down from the tree.

"Hi Mufaroo, I've got something extremely important to tell you and you have to listen and please think carefully.

"Okay, what is it?" Sounding a bit uneasy.

"I know a way how to turn human..."

"That's brilliant!" Mufaroo says enterupting me,"where, how, when!"

A witch doctor called Umlingo managed to turn my mother into a human. But her spells come with a massive consequence."

Mufaroo stays quiet for a while before finally answering that he wants to do it. But after seeing Sophie's uneasy face says," after I know what the consequence is."

This made a sudden wave of happiness and confidence wash over Sophie. She goes over to Mufaroo and kind of lion hugs him then licks his face. ( which is a lion kiss).

"Okay," Sophie says taking a few steps back to look at Mufaroo," come with me back to my house to get some food, water, a map and other essentials. I'll be traveling in human form to carry all the stuff in a backpack. "

Mufaroo just nods his head and follows as Sophie starts to turn around and walk back home.

Sophie has a backpack full of meaty snacks, water, a map, a sleeping bag and blanket etc. Sophie's going to travel in human form (obviously) to carry the backpack.

"Bye Snowflake. Please be safe," Sophie's father instructs her.

"We're giving you five days before we come looking for you. So don't get lost." Her mother adds.

"Okay. Will do. And besides, Mufaroo will protect me. Love you, bye," Sophie say the last bit walking out the door and waving.

And now, her and Mufaroo set off on their journey to a witch doctor.

The journey to Umlingo was a long two days and a half. Sophie and Mufaroo interacted so much more and were now definitely in love.

They hunted together, slept together, played together and basically did everything together. Obviously Sophie stayed in her lion form for some bits like hunting.

Finally, in their sights, something mixed between a hut and cottage with smoke coming out a chimney came into their sights.

Sophie and Mufaroo ran to the front door and stopped just before. They look at each other giving one another reassurance and finally, Sophie knocks.

Who answered the door was nothing to what they expected.

I'm so so sooo sorry. I no longer have any source of WiFi ANYWHERE unless I'm at a café or somewhere like that.

But anyway, here's the chapter and this books almost over.



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