Chapter 3

16 4 3

October 2013

"Hi topper!"


"What's up?"

"Not much.. what's up with you?"

"Same.. btw do you use WhatsApp or what? Or it's only studies, studies and studies for you?"

"Actually yes, that's how it is for me.. lol
And nope, no WhatsApp yet.."

Yeah, it was around 2013 when WhatsApp had gained popularity in India. And it was back in 2013 when Facebook messages like this used to pop up.

Much like the "Are you on Orkut?" and "Orkut is the future man!" pop ups from seven years down the line.

Yeah, those love stories that started with Orkut are maybe still seen in some shady ice-cream parlours across town. And Orkut, well, we all know what happened.

Contrarily, WhatsApp seems to be having it's shit together.

I mean if WhatsApp is taken down, I don't even know what will happen to those aunts in the family groups, who  instead of twenty annoying ones, do with one bright and sunny Good Morning text, every morning. Every single morning. Yeah, still annoying.

Everyday? Seriously? It's as if they wake up at 4 just to send that flowery good morning quote to every single WhatsApp group they are on. I mean take a break!

How do you even wake up at 4?
I am cranky at 10!

Anyways, going back, I wasn't on WhatsApp yet, because I still didn't have a smartphone. Heck, I didn't even have a phone until May that year. I was given one only because I had done well in my board exams.

And my gift was that extremely tiny China handset that was trending back then. In toy phones maybe.

I don't even remember the name of it. It called, it texted, it took crappy pictures, boy I was so happy to have it!

With my parents, you take what you get or there's no gift at all. So WhatsApp, as I said, was out of question.

"Okay.. btw, can I ask you something if you don't mind?"

"Sure..go ahead"

"I don't even know who I am talking to, you don't have your own picture on display. Can I see your pic? If you don't mind?"

Aahan! I didn't have my own picture on display. Now why? Because, I was afraid, somebody might download it and misuse it.

Nay! Who am I kidding!? I just didn't want anybody to see my fat ass face.

And even after I had cut down (not much) , it hadn't yet occurred to me to put up a picture there.

Correction - it hadn't yet occurred to me to put up My picture there.

I had a display though. Any guesses? Yeah, of Katrina Kaif, in hot whites and sexy curls. The trending profile picture of almost every fake Angel Priya back then.

"Umm.. wait!"

I went ahead, went "What the hell!"  and changed my profile picture to my own.

"There, you can see it now!" I sent him and sat back straight.

Sending pictures to new friends was not my thing, na-uh! I mean, that's like umm.. how do I put it, being vulnerable, right? And desperate. Yes, that's the word.

Yeah, I am a little crazy in the head, just a little. You will see.

"Damn, you look cuutteee!!"

"Yeah, stop kidding!"

Totally fishing in for more compliments. Also, I demean myself a lot. You will see that too.

"Red sofa, black sleeveless top, straw in mouth, drinking something.. that's you right?"

"Yep, that's me!"

"Oh come on!! She is cute.
I mean you are.

Well, thrice the same one, counts too.
Just saying.

"Haha.. thanks!!" I sent him with a blushing emoji.

"So, cutyy, you know how to drive? Have any vehicle?"

"Oh, sure. I have my scooty, Aviator actually. And ofcourse I know how to ride it, I mean who doesn't? But I don't get to use it much, since I don't get to stay at home."

Lied! That easy! Phew!

I sucked with vehicles. But gosh, I didn't want to leave that impression on anyone. I mean seriously almost everyone learns to drive by the age of 15-16. And there's me, who learnt to ride a bicycle at the age of 12. Humiliating, right? And hence the lies.

Oh, I still don't have my licence, by the way.

"Cool! Hey I hope I am not boring you!"

"Not at all! Too bored already to get bored more," I sent with a laughing sticker.

"No, seriously, when you saw my request, you didn't think this creep is going to flirt with me?"

"Nope. I didn't give it that much a thought. Honestly, I didn't even check your profile. I just saw my friends' names under Mutual Friends and accepted your request. Guessed you mustn't be a creep."

So not honest.

"Ooo clever gal!"

That I was.

"Haha yeah!"

"But what if I did flirt with you a little?
Just suppose.."

"Why would I, when I know you are not like that!?"

Seriously girl? What were you thinking?

Teen age, I tell you. Even flirting was big. And for me, it was elephant-huge.

"Ooo I am so like that. I keep flirting here and there. Flirting is good for health you know, like Yoga!" he sent with a wink.

Hadn't Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani been one of my favorite movies, I would have totally backed off right after that text.

"Oh really? So how often do you keep your health in check?" I sent, with my emoji's tongue sticking out.

"Quite often. Just not with girls like you!!".
A wink again.

"Why? What's wrong with girls like me?"

"Nothing. Just that girls like you are made for love, not flirting." Wink wink.

"Oh god! Are you a Yeh Jawani fan or what?"

"Big one! Is that a bad thing?"

"A good thing - me too!"
I sent with a high five.

Into Bollywood - Good Friend pro list [✓]


                        Author's Note

**Hello dear reader!! I know, updating after a while. I was really caught up. Though I will try and make up for you by posting 2-3 chapters in short duration. Just updated this short one. Tell me how do you guys like it? Liking the chemistry of Animesh and Yashika so far? Let me know in the comments below. Also, will update with the next chapter real soon. Thanks for your patience and thanks a lot for reading this far. Have an amazing day ahead!**

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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