Zach x Jack

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We're Stuck

Zachs POV

Me and Jack were going down stairs to go to the bus.

"Jack can we take the stairs?" I asked because I don't like elevators I don't know what it is I don't like about them is but I do know is I don't like the idea of being in a small metal box that moves.

"Come on don't be suck a baby" Jack said walking on to the elevator. Jacks right I am a baby I though walking into the elevator.

3rd POV

The elevator started to shake the lights were flickering. Then it all stop the sound of an alarm almost mute the sound of Zachs cry's, Jack could still hear them. Jack could hear the poor boy who thought he was about to die cry on the floor of the elevator.

Jack had always had a slight crush on the boy. So hearing the boy he loved so much like a brother and more broke his heart.

The second Jack click back to reality he rushed to Zachs side. He turned the phones flash light on and set it on the floor beside them. Jack grabbed Zach pulling he on to his lap.

The elevator was only 2 by 4 feet big and that made Zach just as scared.

"Hey Zach it's ok... we're going to be ok.. I promise" Jack whispered to the boy "Jack are w-we going to die" Zach asked.

Jack didn't answer he just held the boy tightly in his arms. Jack couldn't answer because he didn't know the answer himself.

That got Hack thinking

What if we die

He will never know that I love him

Should I tell him?

What if he hates me


But what Jack didn't hear was his phone ringing. It ring 3 times before Zach picked it up.

Tyler was on the phone telling Zach that the elevator was going to turn back on and not to panic.

"Jack" Zach said. Nothing. "Jacky" Zach said again. Still nothing. "JACK" Zach yelled. That was it.

The lights turned back on.

Zach was still sitting on Jacks lap who was completely out of it. Zach was clam down and ok when Jack finally spoke "I don't know if we are going to die today or tomorrow but Zach but if we did I would have never got to do this" with that Jack kissed Zach on the lips Jack pulled away  "I love you Zachary Dean Herron"
"I love you too Jack" and with that the boys kissed again.

"Ok we get that was sweet but you guys are alive so can you go?" Jonah asked stand in front of the elevator doors "yeah let's go" Zach cheered getting off Jacks lap skipping to the bus "AND NO FUCK IN THE BUS" Jonah yelled run after Zach.


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