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unknown: hey :)

evan is typing...

evan: um excuse me...

evan: i blocked you.

unknown: yeah i know but you left your phone on your desk so i unblocked myself before you came back.

evan: rude.

unknown: um i'm the rude one?

unknown: you're the one who rudely interrupted my big name reveal by blocking me.

evan is typing...

evan: fine then what's your name?

unknown: well i don't know if i should trust you with that information

unknown: you seem kinda creepy...

evan: i will block you again i swear.

unknown: OKAY FINE

unknown: since you really want to know...

unknown: it's jared.

evan: wait

evan: kleinman?

unknown: yeah?
read 4:17pm

unknown: ...why?
message not sent, you have been blocked.


okay fine i'm just as impatient as you guys so here, you're welcome.

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