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evan: i saw you crying at school today....

evan: i'm sorry, i didn't mean to hurt your feelings

evan: i was just mad...

evan: and i took it out on you

jared is typing...

jared: i thought you said i wasn't allowed to talk to you anymore.

evan: i never said that.

jared: well you sure implied it

evan: i'm sorry

evan: you know what

evan: i've been a jerk so let's start over.

jared is typing...

evan: i'm evan, what's your name?

jared: i'm not doing this.

evan: i'll invite you over to play video games

jared is typing...

jared: fine.

jared: but only cause i'm desperate

jared: hi i'm jared freakin kleinman please be my friend.

evan: you are officially invited over


opinions so far? :D

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