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Jared threw his phone at the wall angrily, hearing it shatter into pieces. He sank to the floor and began to sob.

It wasn't fair.

What had he done to deserve all of this? Jared was a pretty decent person, or at least he thought he was. Even if he wasn't he still didn't deserve this.

So why was it happening? Why him? Hadn't he been through enough already with Evan? They were only friends for a couple months, but they became pretty good friends. He barely even got to have a friendship with Connor though.

He began to grow angry at the unfairness of all of this, which made him cry harder. He ran his fingers through his hair and tugged strands of it furiously.

Why couldn't he just have them back? Why couldn't he save them?

Just then a thought occurred to Jared.

It was his fault. Both times. It was his fault Evan died because he didn't see the signs that day. He didn't stop Evan.

And it was his fault Connor died too, because he was being obnoxious like always and Connor went outside and drove off.

If it hadn't been for him, they might still be alive. He was the reason they were gone. Now he would never get them back.

Jared lay on the floor, crying until he fell asleep.


"Jared? Are you okay?"

Jared opened his eyes slowly. His head hurt. His glasses were gone and he had absolutely no idea what was going on.

"Where am I?"

"You're at the nurse's office. Are you okay?"

Jared couldn't figure out who was talking to him, it almost sounded like Connor but it couldn't be. His mind was probably playing tricks on him.

"Here are your glasses." A quieter voice said.

Jared put them on and gasped. It was Connor and Evan.

"What's going on? Are you guys like...ghosts?"

"What are you talking about?" Evan laughed.

"Y-You and Connor...You both..."

Connor and Evan looked at each other confused.

"We what?" Connor asked.

"You guys both...died." he whispered.

"Well we're both right here and very much alive..." Evan sat next to him on the cot.

Jared started crying, "Wh-What happened? What's going on?"

Evan hugged him. "It's okay Jared."

"You went back to wait for Evan and someone pushed past you. They knocked you down and you hit your head." Connor explained.

"Wait you're not ghosts?"

"I don't think so." Evan shrugged.

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