Chapter 2

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Eric had been a member of the Office of Special projects for a year. 

Macy Knew about him being gay but hadn't called him out on it, telling him not to mention it at work, although they were a civilian agency they did work closely with the military and it would be a good idea to adopt the current don’t ask don’t tell policy.

Eric had looked at her, his mother who had raised him had been a free spirit, a hippy and she’d always told him never to be ashamed of who he was and that he should love the person not the gender.

“Am…Am I the only one?” he asked afraid this would lose him the job.

Macy shook her head, “In the LA office, No. There are a few people amongst the support staff and at least two agents.” She confided in him. “They won’t tell you who they are, unless they want to.”

Eric sighed, “But you still want me for the job?” he asked.

Lara Macy laughed, “Eric Beale you are the best damn tech this side of the country of course we want you, if you weren't working for us then we’d probably have to put the west coast on alert every week.”

Eric smiled, “Thanks Ma’am.” He said.

Lara looked at him, “Just Macy or Mace.” She said. “And welcome to the team Eric….although maybe you could wear pants?” she said looking at his board shorts.

Eric backed away, “Is it a prerequisite of getting the job…only…I can’t wear them, I have a phobia of restrictive clothing, like claustrophobia.”

Macy smiled, “I’ll make sure that the exclusion from the wearing of Pants is added to your contract.” She really didn't want to lose him; he was as she had said the best in his field and if that was his only prerequisite for taking the job then she could happily live with it.

Eric smiled and shook her hand, “I’m in then.”

Eric had followed Macy out of the conference room and down the hall to sign the acceptance forms when she walked in her office to find Callen asleep on her couch.

“G, move it, I need the office.” She smiled.

Callen sat up, he’d been napping on Macy’s couch, his shirt was hung over a nearby chair and Eric held his breath. The man was breathtaking. 

Callen stretched and looked at Eric and grinned.

“Sorry Mace, between motels again.” He explained as he sat up to grab his shoes.

Eric passed him his shirt as Callen reached for it.

For a second their hands touched and Eric felt electric shocks. 

He shot a look at Callen who didn't look at him at all as he grabbed his shirt.

“Thanks” he said as he pulled it over his head.

Eric pulled his gaze away as Lara Macy handed him his paperwork to sign to officially become a member of NCIS.

Callen walked out of the room and closed the door.

What the hell was that? He thought to himself.

The only person who knew that Callen was bi was Macy and she hadn't told anyone.

During his years in the system Callen had developed a healthy interest in both sexes, but Macy had kept his secret well, even his new partner Sam whom he had worked with for nearly a year now still had no idea.

But he’d nearly blown it in there; he’d felt an electric shock twice, once when he’d heard the younger man’s voice in the hallway and again when he’d accidentally brushed his hand up against his.

Never had he had such a visceral reaction to someone.

He shook his head and headed down to the gym to take his mind off the man with the blond hair and ocean blue eyes.

He worked hard over the next few months hiding his attraction to the man, whom he later found out was called Eric. He used every undercover skill he had just making it look like he was not attracted to him.

All that changed about a month after he’d been shot.

Finally he’d been allowed out of hospital, away from the over protective mothering of Sam and Hetty, the constant Chatter of Kensi and the nagging of Renko about safety.

First chance he had got he’d upped and left, leaving a, 'will contact you; haven’t been kidnapped', note for Hetty as the new operations manager scared him slightly.

He’d booked into the motel, sunk into the huge bathtub the room boasted of and relaxed for two hours.

Getting out of the tub he wrapped a towel around himself and redressed his wounds as his doctor had advised and jumped as there was a knock on the door.

Grabbing his gun he opened the door to see a tear stained Eric standing there.

“Eric?” Callen said lowering his gun and looking shocked at the tech. For a moment he wondered if Eric had been hurt or attacked then Eric opened his mouth to speak.

“Callen…I…I’m sorry, I shouldn't have…I…I just…” Eric broke off as he suddenly realized what Callen was wearing…or rather what he wasn't wearing.

“Come in.” Callen said, opening the door, “Do you want a beer?” he asked.

Eric nodded unable to say anything.

Callen closed the door and turned to see Eric staring out of the window.

“Eric? How did you find me?” he asked handing him a beer.

“I was worried when my computer pinged to say you had been discharged, I…er…followed you by camera.” He admitted.

“Why?” Callen asked taking a sip of his beer.
hiding the warm feeling that was growing in his chest.

“I…” Eric shook, “I saw the footage of your….when you were…and I was so scared…I can’t lose you…I…” Eric trailed off, if he said all he wanted to say now he could lose Callen as a friend for life.

Callen put his beer down and took a step closer to Eric, he’d been thinking about him all the while he’d lain in that hospital bed, his laugh, the way he chewed his bottom lip as he tried to concentrate, the way he sang when he thought he was alone. He was scared too. But he’d never survived by being too afraid.

“Eric.” He said his voice low and husky.

Eric turned at the change in tone from Callen.

“G? I…” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “I love you, I have for a while, I’m sorry if this scares you or disgusts you and you don’t want to…” Eric’s tirade was cut off as Callen took a step forward and kissed him.

For a second Eric was stunned, and then he wrapped his arms around Callen’s torso and kissed him back.

Callen pulled away when he needed to breathe.

“Are you sure?” Eric asked as he looked into Callen’s eyes.

“God…yes…I've wanted to do that since…”

“That day in Macy’s office.” Eric finished with a smile as Callen nodded.

“I didn't know, I would have said something sooner.” Callen said.

“Macy said there was an Agent and a few support staff that were gay or bi but wouldn't say who.” Eric told him.

Callen nodded, “You know we can’t tell…not anyone…ever.”

Eric nodded, “I know…but Callen…if we do this…I…can’t, I won’t do a one night stand.” He said.

Callen smiled, “I have issues, you know that, with my past…but…if you agree…I want more, with you I want so much more.”

Eric looked into the deep blue eyes of his…boyfriend, partner…soon to be lover and sighed, “Me too.” He said pulling Callen towards him and dropping his towel on the floor.

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