Chapter 7

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His last thought as his world went black was a comforting one, Eric was safe, He would live a full and happy life and Janvier, like him was dead, but oh, he would miss Eric.

As the lights went out on him, every happy moment in his life went through his mind and he was not surprised to find most of them contained Eric, his soothing touches when G had had a bad day. His kisses at night when the day was done and they were finally alone.

The one night in ops, when Eric had been working late and everyone had gone home, Callen had come back after watching Hetty leave, and they had had a candlelight meal, just the two of them in Ops while the computers were quietly defragging in the background.

Eric holding him as he shared the footage Deeks had found, whilst reaffirming to him that he was loved.

He had expected… what? Fluffy white clouds maybe? His family…well his mother and sister anyway…but nope nothing. He moved and felt something pull at his arms.

"G?..." Eric's voice cut through the fuzz in his brain.

"E…what…no…not you…you weren't supposed to die." Callen croaked a small tear rolling from the corner of his eye.

Eric ran his hand over Callen's head comforting him.

"I'm not dead baby, neither are you…you can wake up you're in a hospital."

Callen smiled, Eric was not dead. "Make me…" he smirked still asleep.

Eric looked around at the other person sitting there but he knew Callen had already outed them and they were, he hoped, happy for them.

Therefore, he leaned over and gave Callen a chaste kiss to wake him up.

Still with his eyes closed, Callen wrapped his arm around Eric's neck and pulled him in deepening the kiss.

Hetty coughed as they parted and Callen's eyes shot open in horror.

"Hetty?!" he squeaked.

Eric gave a small nervous laugh and helped him sit up. "Err yeah G she's been here a while."

He groaned as his muscles ached, "What happened, I thought I was dead?" he admitted.

"You would have been had not been for Mr. Beale having the foresight to tell us you had injected yourself with the contents of the vial in my safe. After a large injection of vitamin B12 to counteract the symptoms it appears you will be fine." Hetty told him.

"How long have I been out?" He asked noticing that Eric was showered, changed and looking a hell of a lot better than when he had last seen him.

"Five days G…I haven't been so scared in my entire life," Eric admitted grasping Callen's hand.

"I as well as your team was concerned for your welfare." Hetty added.

"Not my team Hetty, I quit remember." Callen said with a yawn, as he felt tired.

"Did you want that to stand Mr. Callen?" Hetty asked looking over at her agent with concern.

Callen looked back as immovable as he had ever been, "I don't know Hetty, you tell me. You planning to move Eric or myself now you know? Or firing one of us, because if the answer is yes then I do want it to stand, the team needs Eric he's the best technical operator you have and I won't leave him because you think it's best for the team…I'm done doing what is best for the team. For once I'm doing what is best for me and Eric is best for me." Callen stated firmly.

Hetty had trouble not smiling at that. Finally, her boy had something he cared about enough that he was willing to hold on tightly to it.

"So this is a long term relationship Mr. Callen….not a fling?"

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