Chapter 4

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He paced up and down in front of the screen at Ops, not as they thought wanting to see if Nell had any footage of Eric being taken, but biding his time till his next call from Janvier.

"There's nothing." Nell said in frustration.

She was annoyed Eric was her partner and her best friend. "I can't believe he didn't have cameras installed outside his apartment!" she snapped.

"What?" Callen asked pulled out of his own worry for a second.

"Well, Deeks, Kensi, Sam and I have cameras installed near the house just for this eventuality but you and Eric don't…I don't get it why?" Nell asked.

Callen shrugged, "I can't say why Eric doesn't," he lied, "But my house still looks empty, and with that blogger next door, cameras would give her something else to wonder about, she doesn't see me coming or going now so I'm hoping she'll soon think I've moved. Besides my house is empty, what is there to protect?" he asked.

"You." Nell replied.

Callen gave a dry laugh, "I can take care of myself, its Eric who need our help now." He said turning the subject back to the matter at hand. "Janvier must have been seen somewhere?"

"I have checked all airports nothing, I'm not even sure how he got out of prison, and all we do know is, from your phone call, he is out." Nell said sadly as Callen looked angry.

Sam walked in, "Anything Nell?" he asked.

She shook her head as Callen stormed out.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked.

Sam shrugged, "Callen is team leader, he's protective over all of us, I'm sure he'd be the same if it were you or me who was missing." He reasoned.

"No so…" Nell smiled wryly. "If it were you he'd have pulled LA apart by now."

Sam nodded with a smile, she was probably right.

Callen stormed into Hetty's office.

She looked up from her cup of tea and regarded the dark simmering anger that Callen was barely containing under the surface.

"Mr. Callen?" she said.

"Did you know that Janvier was out?" He asked.

Hetty shook her head, "I am waiting a call back from the governor of the prison that Janvier was being held at, they are conducting their own investigation right now."

"We should have been warned the moment they knew he was missing, then maybe…." He couldn't finish the sentence and he turned from Hetty.

"I understand you care a lot for Mr. Beale," Callen tensed as Hetty spoke, "We all do, just because you are the team leader, it doesn't make you at fault." She said.

Callen wanted to scream at her, that if he had given Eric a ride in this morning like he had promised rather than going in alone Eric would be safe, so it technically was his fault. But he said nothing.

"I can't believe we can't find him!" he sighed in frustration.

Hetty smiled, in an attempt to placate him, but all it did was make him angrier. "We will find him, and Mr. Beale is too smart for something to happen to him."

Callen couldn't stand it; to him it felt like no one cared, he stormed out of Hetty's office and headed to the gym.

Truth was everyone in their own way was hurting over the loss of Eric.

Kensi and Deeks headed to the prison and went to interview the governor as Hetty watched Callen head to the gym hoping that her senior agent wouldn't take the blame for what had happened to Eric and go lone wolf.

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