Chapter Four

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Natalia's Pov

When I arrived Niall was already sitting at a booth near the back of the cafe. I smiled and walked over to him and took a seat. He looked up at me, with an amazing smile which made my heart melt, he was wearing a plain white shirt and faded blue jeans. I scanned him over and I could tell he was doing the same.

"You look beautiful," Niall broke the silence and complimented me. I smiled brightly while I tried hard not to blush.

"Don't look bad yourself," I replied.

A woman came over to our table and asked us what we would like to order.  I ordered the usual mocha latte and Niall ordered a hot chocolate and a slice of chocolate cake.

The woman nodded and left, leaving us to stare at each other. After about two minutes, he broke the silence again, "So, how are you?"

"I'm good thank you, and yourself?"

" Great, now that I can look at you," he smiled.

I could feel my cheeks turning red and  tried to hide behind a menu. I heard him chuckle and he took the menu out of my hands. "Don't hide your face," I looked into his amazing blue eyes and nodded.

"Well, isn't it nice bumping into you here," I  froze and looked up to see a grinning Jacob. 'Why me?' I thought to myself.

"Feelings aren't mutual," I replied with annoyance.

"Ouch, Nat that hurts," Jacob was still grinning, I wanted to wipe it off his face.

"Excuse me Niall," I gave him an apologetic look and stood up, dragging Jacob with me to the other corner.

"What are you doing here?" I practically growled at him.

"It's a free country, Nat," Jake shrugged

"Well can you please leave me alone?"

"Why? You on a date? With pretty boy other there?"

"Jacob, please."

"On one condition," I knew what he was going to say before he even spoke, "Homework."

"Fine." I had no choice but to do it now, as long as he leaves me alone now.

"Oh and how about a kiss?" he winked at me.

"In your dreams, man whore," I glared at him and walked away, back to the booth.

"Was he bothering you?" Niall asked me

"No more than usual," I shrugged, and realised my mocha latte was in front of me, I gulped it down.

Niall chuckled at me and was eating his slice of chocolate cake, when he had left a small bit left he gestured for me to open my mouth. I shook my head, "No thanks," Niall gave me the puppy eyes.

I laughed and gave in, opening my mouth so he could spoon feed me the last bit of cake.

It was around three o' clock, when we left the cafe and went for a stroll around a park, I didn't realise he was holding my hand until he kissed it.

I giggled and blushed, not letting his hand go, it was warm, I looked up at him and smiled.

"It's getting late, you better get home," Niall smiled at me and walked me back to my car.

He opened the door of my VW bug and let me get in before closing the door.  "I had a good time today,"  Niall said to me through the window.

"So did I," I smiled at him and he stroked my cheek and then pulled my face towards his, our lips inches apart, we closed the distance and our lips mashed together.

His lips were soft and felt amazing against mine, I didn't want to pull away but soon enough we pulled apart.

"Goodnight Natalia."

"Goodnight Niall," I responded and turned on the engine and left the car park, heading home.

I expected my father to be passed out on the couch when I got home, but when I opened the door and walked into the lounge, he was awake and glaring at me.

"Where have you been Natalia?" I could tell he was mad, and backed up towards the stairs.

"Out, with a friend," I tried not to stutter.

My father stood and walked over to me, I tried backing away but my back hit the wall. He grabbed my hair and pulled, which made me scream out in pain.

"Listen to me, you little brat, you don't leave this house, besides going to school," he continued to pull my hair.

"Dad, let me go! Or I will call the police!"

My father then punched me, I knew I was going to wake up with a bruised eye in the morning, he dropped me and then kicked me.

"I am your father, you listen to me, and you better follow the rules," He growled at me.

I sobbed from the pain he was causing me and crawled up the stairs. He wasn't following me, but I knew he was watching me. I reached my room and climbed into bed, not caring that I was still wearing my clothes, 'What did I do to deserve this? I was having a great day, then I come home to this.' I passed out after feeling the same pains from my father kicking me and punching me.


A/N: What did you guys think?

What do you think of Natalia's Father?

What about the kiss?

Photo of Natalia's Father ------------------------>

I would like to dedicate this chapter to @AlyssaDaken for making my book cover (:

Please vote/comment/fan and let me know what you think :D

Love Hayley xox

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